Dear Crossing Friends,
This has been an incredible year so far in the Grow ministries. Thank you for being a part of it so far. Each of you has either participated in a FUEL class, RETREAT or Small GROUP! We have seen over a thousand people Grow through one of these three environments and we hope this continues throughout 2010.
Throughout the summer we are offering two more grow environments:
1) REFUEL…this is a 7 week bible study on Matthew 5 taught by Dr. Bill Dogterom starting tomorrow at 6:30pm
2) Spiritual RETREAT on July 31st from 9am-3pm at the church taught by Dr. Bill Gaultiere. This is a day to reconnect with God through some of the most life changing spiritual practices.
Space is still available for both events. Sign up at, click groups and sign up for either event.
Finally, we have been praying for the Fall Grow Events and would like to include you in some potential Grow opportunities:
• Would you be willing to host a small group in your home any day of the week?
• Would you be willing to facilitate a small group on campus Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday for men, women, couples or singles?
• Would you like a mentor to help you grow in your relationship with God?
• If we started some hobby clubs what kind of club would you love to be a part of, examples like Motorcycle Club, Golf Club, Hiking Club…
• If we started groups in your neighborhood in order to get your neighbors together would you be interested?
Patrick Detken
Pastor of Grow Ministries