Monday, October 31, 2011

Sex Dating & Mating Small Group Questions (Oct 29/30)

Guidelines for your discussions
1. Confidentiality: Whatever we share in the group stays in the group.
2. I statements: Speak about yourself; don’t share about someone else’s story.
3. Respect: Share your opinions and respect other people’s opinions.
4. Time: Show up on time or let someone know if you are running late.
5. Participate: Be willing to participate in the group discussion.
6. Mindfulness: Allow other people to speak; don’t dominate the time.
7. Fixing: Don’t try to fix someone; allow people their process.
8. Sharing: Be as honest as you feel capable of being about the topic.
9. Weekend: Try to come on the weekend so you have a good idea of the topic.
10. Fun: Enjoy the people in your group and enjoy the journey God has you on concerning the topic.

Look Back (Questions that make you reflect back on your week)

• What was one high you had this weekend?
• What kind of marriage did your parents have growing up?(Ideal, Spasmodic, Platonic, Chaotic, Despotic, Realistic, Great)

Look Out (Questions that make you look out and discuss how the world sees the topic)

• Tim said that marriages either get better or they start to fall back. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
• Why do you think more than half of marriages end up in divorce?

Look Up (Questions that make you look at God’s perspective on the topic)

• What’s one negative thing you saw growing up in your parent’s marriage that you have seen in your own marriage or your relationships?
• What’s one positive thing you saw growing up in your parent’s marriage that you have seen in your own marriage or your relationships?

Look In (Questions that make you look in and apply the scriptures into your life)

Tim said feelings follow actions Philippians 2:2,4
• Tim mentioned that any relationship needs Attention, Affirmation, Affection, Adventure, Accordance, if you are married which do you feel like you need?
• What do you need to do in order to bring spiritual unity in your marriage?
• Prayer Requests

Lifelines Celebration Dinner

Purpose: To honor, encourage and celebrate folks in recovery in our community.

Date: December 16th Dinner Service starts at 6:30pm. Program starts at 7pm.

Needs: Turkeys, side dishes and desserts, plates, utensils, beverages (coffee, water?), facilities: set up/take down, food servers, gift

If you can help out contact Randy Moraitis at

Monday, October 24, 2011

Series: Sex: Dating and Mating Small Group Questions (October 22/23)

Look Back (Questions that make you reflect back on your week)

• Where has God been working in your life lately?

Look Out (Questions that make you look out and discuss how the world sees the topic)

Why do you think people conceal sin? “He who conceals his sins never, ever prospers…” Proverbs 28:13a

Look Up (Questions that make you look at God’s perspective on the topic)

“Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.” James 1:14-15

First stage: Strip the gears (Tim mentioned there are ‘gears’ that move us into sexual immorality
  • First gear is the “talking” gear.
  • Second gear is the “embracing” gear.
  • Third gear is the “caressing” gear.
  • Fourth gear is the “stimulating” gear.
Second stage: Lose control and the potential crash
“…not to awaken love until the time is right.” Song of Solomon 2:7
“The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing…husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting.” Ephesians 5:23, 25

• In the past when have you found yourself losing control?

Look In
(Questions that make you look in and apply the scriptures into your life)
Third stage: Sexual confusion
Tim mentioned that women want living together to lead to marriage and men just want sex

• Do agree with the above statement that Tim made this weekend?
• What struck you about this illustration that Tim gave this weekend about a peanut butter sandwich and a kite?

Tim mentioned that sex was soul-ish

• How do you think sex affects your soul?

Chaplain Training

We are very excited to announce that we are starting a Chaplain Ministry at The Crossing! This is a program where we will have volunteers trained and ready to do visitations to people in hospitals, hospices, homes, treatment centers, and more.

To launch this program we have an award winning Board Certified Chaplain who will conduct a training on Wednesday November 9th from 6:00-8:00pm here at The Crossing.

I am writing to you because I would like to invite you to attend this very valuable one-time training where you will learn the skills needed to encourage and pray for someone going through a difficult situation.

If you would like to attend this training, please RSVP to Randy Moraitis at

Grow Ministries

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

December 10th Spiritual Retreat for Grow Ministry

We have created a day to prepare to prepare you for the 2012 season of Spiritual Growth!

Here are just a few details:

Time: December 10th, Saturday from 9am-3pm
Location: O’neil Park . It takes about 30-35 minutes from Costa Mesa to get to O'neil Park.
Cost: $10. ($5 for parking, pay that when yo arrive at gate and $5 for the material, pay that when you get in the room)
What about food? Bring drinks, snacks and your lunch. In order to keep the cost down we will NOT be providing food so make sure you bring something from home.
Bring: Your lunch and drinks for the day, lawn chair, Bible, journal,pen. If you have the book 'The Life You've Always Wanted' by John Ortberg make sure to bring it.
- Weather: Check the weather to see if you need to bring a jacket, you will be spending time outside in the beauty of nature.

Special Night @ Detken's

Come ALL Mentors, Mentees and Group Leaders on
November 19th 7-8:30pm and enjoy a night of Celebrating what God has done this past year.

We will share worship together, pray together and share communion together as we begin this Thanksgiving season!

This is a special time designed for you as someone leading or being mentored in the Grow Ministries. Come join us! RSVP at

Small Group Questions for Sex Series (Week Oct 17-23)

Lean In

• How long have you been attending the church?
• What brought you to the church and what’s been your impression since attending?
• Finish this sentence. “The characteristic that you admire/love about God is…..”

Look Up

During the first week of this series Tim mentioned we live in a sex saturated society! Where everyone has an opinion about sex. Opinions like…..

Parents say: “Don’t do it!”
The Church “Don’t do it because it is dirty and sinful!”
The Schools say, “This is how you should do it!”
The Media says: “Do it all the time with anyone!”

• What did you hear growing up about the topic?

Tim mentioned that Sex is everywhere.

“God wants you to be holy so you should keep clear of all sexual sin. Then each of you will control your body and live in holiness and honor not in lustful passion as the pagans do in their ignorance of God and His ways. God has called us to be holy not to live impure lives.” 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, 7

Tim mentioned that holiness is the process where God brings order into your life.

• What do you believe is Gods heart for your life?

Tim mentioned that what most people want for your life is no different from what God really wants for your life. What we really want is intimacy.

• Do agree or disagree…why or why not?

Look Out

• What do you want God to do in your life right now?
• Do you have accountability in your life? If not why not? If yes, how do they hold you accountable?
• What step can you take this week to move you towards Gods plan for your life?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Great Resources for Spiritual Growth

Message on Holy Spirit by Craig Groeschel

Message on Holy Spirit by Mark Driscoll

Message on Prayer by Francis Chan

We are God's Original Masterpiece Video

Matthew Party Training

This series we just finished on “The Chair” has reminded us all about the urgency, value and responsibility we all have to intentionally connect with our friends, family and neighbors.

As a church we want to continue to spur one another on and encourage each other in this regard. SOOOOO we want to invite all our leaders, mentors, and key people who are willing on Halloween weekend (or shortly thereafter) to throw a “Mathew Party”. Basically it is an opportunity for us to intentionally invite our friends, family, neighbors and coworkers, who don’t know how much they matter to God, to a party with some of our other friends, who do.
If you would be willing to intentionally throw a “Mathew Party” or would at least be willing to come and learn more about what one is and how you could join this movement here at The Crossing there are 2 opportunities for you to experience a brief training, orientation & prayer time for what God could do as we engage in this together. You can come on Sunday morning October 16th OR 23rd from 10:30 – 11:15 IN THE LOFT!!!

Prayer for the Detken's

I have specifically set time aside to pray for everyone that is is being mentored, mentoring or leading in the grow ministires. However, many of you have been returning the favor by asking me what I need prayer for and I love that! So I decided that I would share with you some specific prayer requests for me and my family if you feel led to lift up the Detken.
  • Pray for my dad. He has not crossed the line of faith but I am believing that God will change his heart this year.
  • Pray for my brother (Karl) who will be moving to Florida this year. This is a big move!
  • Pray for my son (Jackson) and his self-control (when your 9 years old, that's kinda tough :) Actually that's tough at any age!
  • Pray for my daughter (Mia) and her developing good friendship (she's in the 1st grade)
  • Pray for my wife and wisdom as she is considering going back to school.
  • Pray for wisdom for me as I counsel people God places in my life and how He wants me to step into their life.
Thanks for your prayers!

Mentors Dessert Night

Hey guys, we will be spending some time together on Saturday, October 15th from 7-8:30pm at my house. It's a dessert potluck so bring a treat to share. My address is 2753 San Juan Lane, Costa Mesa 92626. We will be spending some time in prayer and preparing our hearts for the Thanksgiving season that is just around the corner.

Please email me at and let me know if you are attending. This is for all of you that are mentoring someone.

In His Hands,


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Connection Groups on Sex:Dating and Mating

What are Connection Groups? Connection groups meet on the Crossing campus and a great way to meet new people. The group will be discussing the new series Sex: Mating and Dating.There is a teacher who reviews what was talked about from the weekend and then you break up into groups to discuss the message further and apply it into your life.

What will be series Sex: Mating and Dating? During the series we’ll discuss Gods perspective in issues like being single, being married, purity, communication and much more.

How long do the groups last? Connection groups begin the week of October 17th and ends November 23rd lasting 6 weeks from 6:30-8pm.

What's the cost for the group? $5

Is there childcare available? Yes, the cost is $60 for all 6 weeks and you can register online.

What kinds of Connection groups are available and when do they start?
  • Connection Groups for Women begin on October 17th on Mondays from 6:30-8pm. Monday nights are led by Nicole Romero ( and Cyndi Clark (
  • Connection Groups for Couples (married and engaged) begin on October 18th on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm. Tuesday nights are led by Patrick Detken ( )
  • Connection Groups for Men begin on October 19th on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm. Wednesday nights are led by Randy Clark ( and Dale Winson (
Feel free to contact any of the leaders if you have any questions about the Connection groups on the night you are interested in attending.To sign up for connections go to 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Small Group Questions (The Chair 10/1-10/2)

If you have anyone in your group that is new make sure to make introductions and welcome them to the group. Share the vision of the group and your heart for why you are leading. Always begin by sharing the guidelines:

Guidelines for your Group

1. Confidentiality: Whatever we share in the group stays in the group.
2. I statements: Speak about yourself; don’t share about someone else’s story.
3. Respect: Share your opinions and respect other people’s opinions.
4. Time: Show up on time or let someone know if you are running late.
5. Participate: Be willing to participate in the group discussion.
6. Mindfulness: Allow other people to speak; don’t dominate the time.
7. Fixing: Don’t try to fix someone; allow people their process.
8. Sharing: Be as honest as you feel capable of being about the topic.
9. Weekend: Try to come on the weekend so you have a good idea of the topic.
10. Fun: Enjoy the people in your group and enjoy the journey God has you on concerning the topic.

Look BACK (30 minutes)
• What have you enjoyed about this series The Chair?
• Has it been easy or hard to pray for the names of the people you wrote on the chair? Why?

Look UP (60 minutes)
Tim shared four important truths to share with someone who doesn’t know Jesus
“He (being God) has set eternity in the hearts of men.” Ecclesiastes 3:11

1st: God’s love
“God has loved us with an everlasting love.” Jeremiah 31:3
The benefits of having a relationship with Jesus are
• A clear conscience
• Power to live daily life
• Deep relationships with others

Group Question: Which of these 3 have had the greatest impact on your life?

2nd: Our problem
• “For all have sinned and fall short.” Romans 3:23
• “For the wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23
• “God is patient, not wanting anyone to perish.” 2 Peter 3:9

Group Question: If you were sharing with someone about Christ, what would you say was YOUR problem that led you to ask Christ into your life?

3rd: God’s solution
“But God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

4th: Our CHOICE

Group Question: Since asking Jesus into your life how has He changed it?

Look OUT (30 minutes)
• Take down prayer requests.
• Spend time praying for one another and the person you wrote on the chair.