We are getting more and more excited as the 2012 Men’s Retreat – MPOWRD – grows closer. It’s right around the corner! The theme is MPOWRD where we will learn what it means to be fully EMPOWERED - ‘MPOWRD’ through God’s power and not our own and how we can be fully dependent on God every day no matter what’s going on in our life! We are so excited that 150 men will be experiencing the mountains at the Forest Home Retreat Center with many recreation options: walks, hikes, rock climbing, game room, zip line, miniature golf, and much more (weather permitting)!!
What to bring: Dress warm. It will be cold low 20’s and high 50’s. As of now it could rain or even snow on Sunday (not much) so dress accordingly. Bring your bible, pen, flashlight, toiletries, warm shoes or tennis shoes that can work with mountain terrain, warm jacket and/or coat, alarm clock, some ear plugs just in case, a pillow, sleeping bag or bed linens, a towel, umbrella and some playing cards (optional) Again, make sure to bring your bedding or a sleeping bag/pillow, if you forget they will rent you out some bedding for $20.
Emergency: If your spouse needs to get a hold of you have them call 909.389.2300. There will be little to no cell coverage so if there is an emergency have them call that number and they will get the message to you.
Times: Registration begins Friday at 5pm at HORMEL HALL. Dinner is Friday at 7pm. Program starts at 8pm in Hormel Hall. Retreat ends on Sunday at 11am.
Place: Forest Home, 40000 Valley of the Falls, Forest Falls, CA 92339, www.foresthome.org When you get there, you will find someone at the welcome station until 10pm directing you to Hormel Hall. If you arrive at Hormel Hall between 5:00-10pm there will be someone there to help you. If you plan on getting there later please let us know so we know how to direct you and get you the key to your cabin. Every cabin is about 3 minutes walking distance from our main meeting place.
What you get: Friday – Sunday Experience, lodging, 5 meals, incredible worship, small group time, great teaching, and recreation free time, plus time to engage with other men from The Crossing.What to bring: Dress warm. It will be cold low 20’s and high 50’s. As of now it could rain or even snow on Sunday (not much) so dress accordingly. Bring your bible, pen, flashlight, toiletries, warm shoes or tennis shoes that can work with mountain terrain, warm jacket and/or coat, alarm clock, some ear plugs just in case, a pillow, sleeping bag or bed linens, a towel, umbrella and some playing cards (optional) Again, make sure to bring your bedding or a sleeping bag/pillow, if you forget they will rent you out some bedding for $20.
Snacks are ONLY allowed in the cabins, if they are stored in an air-tight plastic container. (Even if they are already packaged). Bears can be intrusive, if they smell food, so make sure you prepare accordingly.
Group Leader: You will be receiving an email and call from your group leader who will make sure you have a way to get up to the retreat and answer any questions you may have. If you have not received a phone call from your group leader you can email me at pdetken@thecrossing.com If you need to carpool talk with your group leader. If no one can carpool from your group email Ryan Argue at Ryan Argue ryanargue@firstteam.com. He is organizing this piece and will know how to help you. Also, there are a few guys leaving after 5pm who need a ride so if you are leaving after 5pm and have a few space let us know.Driving? For those of you driving, if you have chains BRING THEM. If you have 4 wheel drive you won’t need chains. However, if you don’t have them you don’t need to go out and buy them. There may be a few spots that are slippery coming down the mountain but you can drive down without chains, you’ll just need to have your car in a low gear. Directions to Forest Home From The Crossing: Click Here Try leaving early on Friday, traffic on the 91 on Friday can be crazy. Check here for directions to Forest Home.
Cabins hold 10 people to a room and most likely you will be rooming with the people in your small group.Emergency: If your spouse needs to get a hold of you have them call 909.389.2300. There will be little to no cell coverage so if there is an emergency have them call that number and they will get the message to you.
Cash: bring cash to buy a t-shirt ($15) or if you want anything from the snack shop.
Your Room: You can’t check in sooner than 5pm into your room. But registration will be ready by 4:30pm so come to Hormel Hall to pick up your stuff and then head over to your room.Finally: We have prayed for 150 men and as of now we have 148 so if you know of a few guys who still want to go, let’s make it happen.
Can You Help? Finally, many of you have been very generous helping others out with scholarships. There is still about $1,000 that we are short so if some of you can contribute let me know.This year, Pastor Brian Anderson from Mission Hills http://missionhillschurch.com/blog/ will be teaching on Romans 7 and 8. We are looking forward to seeing each one of you there and experiencing what God has in store for us!