Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I'm excited to start a new 10 week study for any man (single or married) on spiritual leadership.

Micah 6:8 -  (NIV) 8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Starting April 26th from 8-9pm I am taking men who are interested through a 10 week spiritual journey of resolution, accountability and humility. We will learn to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. Through the 10 week experience the men will need to be willing to the below items:

The Resolution (M-6:8 or Micah 6:8)

·         Be willing to be held accountable for your life by discussing your life authentically and transparently.

·         Be willing to study and learn the Bible.

·         Be willing to memorize scripture.

·         Be willing to be accountable to purity

·         Be willing to take an account for your marriage by allowing me to meet with you and your spouse.

·         Be willing to give the full tithe.

·         Be willing to learn to share your faith locally and globally and then share it locally and globally.

·         Be willing to share your testimony in front of the church.

·         Be willing to lead and mentor other men.

·         Be willing to be accountable for your finances.

·         Be willing to learn to lead your family, your spouse and your kids and then lead them.

·         Be willing to teach others what you have learned.

If you are interested in being a part of this group email me at
What: A 10 Week Spiritual Leadership Group
When: April 26th 8-9pm (Right After The Story)

Why: Develop Spiritual Leaders for Christ
Ends: June 28th

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


A good friend of mine reminded me of the lyric in the song from the Courageous movie that says "The only way that we can STAND is on our knees with lifted hands" . That’s it! We are enlisting a new army of men for Jesus. A Platoon of Believers. 100+ men sincerely devoted, fully transparent and completely empowered by His Spirit. And I want you to be a part of that army and to be enlisted into this platoon.

·         When: 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month
·         Time: 6:30am-7:30am
·         Where: In the Hut
·         Why: Asking the Lord to Lead us in every area of our life.
·         Who: Any man who wants to lock arms and follow Jesus

The Story

Have you ever felt intimidated reading the bible? Not sure how it all fits together? From start to finish the Bible is written as a story to be told to all of humanity. All the pieces fit together but so many times we don't know how. For the first time ever we are starting a 10 week bible study for anyone who has ever wanted to understand the entire bible.  God has gone to great lengths to rescue his  lost and hurting people. That is what the Story of the Bible is all about, God's great love affair with humanity.
 During these 10 weeks we will be reading a book called 'The Story' which is the bible written as a story. From the time of Adam and Eve to Abraham and the nation of Israel to Paul's missionary journey to the time when John is exiled on Patmos and Revelation is written and everything in between. Each week another part of history will be shared by either Dr. Bill Dogterom, Dr. Bill Gaultiere and pastors Sean Kappauf and Patrick Detken.

        Date: Begins -April 26th and continues for 10 consecutive Thursday's through June 28th

        Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm

        Where: The Crossing Campus in the Loft

        Cost: $20 includes the book  The Story or $10 without the book

        Childcare is not provided

·         This study is for anyone (from non-believer to seasoned believer)

·         Register for The Story

We hope this experience gives you the confidence to share with the world how His story intersects with YOUR story and has created a NEW story.