Saturday, October 30, 2010
#2 What if.................
This is wedding season and I love it. I love walking out the premarital process with couples. Most begin with this unrealistic picture of what marriage is all about and after a few sessions they are brought back to earth when we discuss this reality.Their will come a time in your marriage that you look at your spouse and think to yourself, 'there MUST be a way out, its just too hard!' The hard fought truth is that most people have the wrong idea about love. Love is NOT an emotion, its a decision. Most of our culture has made it an emotion so when you don't 'feel' in love anymore then people dismiss their commitment and their vows. What if we believed that marriage was about a decision. What if people chose into love instead of felt their way out of love. What if people believed that marriage wasn't designed to make you happy but rather make you holy. What if you pursued your spouse not because of what you were going to gain but rather what you were going to give. What if.....
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
#1 What if...........
When my wife and I were dating I asked her why she said yes to a second date. She said, 'You ask good questions'. I guess questions have always fascinated me. I have learned that a good small group isn't dependent on the content but rather the question that's asked. I have experienced everything can change in a counseling session by the question that's discussed. And I have seen people experience amazing life change through asking 'What if'. What if God did have the power the change lives? What if my past didn't have to be my future? What if my marriage didn't have to be something that I simply endured? What if God really did have an adventure for me to live? What if....You ask the right question you start to dream differently. Over the next few months I want to ask questions. Some may stir you, some may anger you and some may fascinate you. But my hope is no matter what they challenge you to consider a new way, a new perspective and maybe a new adventure that you never thought was possible. What if.................
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Story of Life Change
From someone who attended Fuel:
It's amazing how far God has taken my life. Not to long ago I was hopeless, forgotten and addicted to anything unhealthy I could find. But one day I saw this church and I wondered if God really existed. I took a risk and showed up. I was amazed at the music and the teaching. It seemed like the pastor was speaking directly to me. I just sat in the back and cried feeling for the first time that God had not forgotten me. Since that day He continues to direct my path. I never really had good friends and now I feel like I have a family. I came to Fuel to continue growing and was again amazed at how much I love my church home. I feel God here and I have never felt judged. I still have a long way to go but at least I know I have a place to start and a family that will walk with me through this journey!
It's amazing how far God has taken my life. Not to long ago I was hopeless, forgotten and addicted to anything unhealthy I could find. But one day I saw this church and I wondered if God really existed. I took a risk and showed up. I was amazed at the music and the teaching. It seemed like the pastor was speaking directly to me. I just sat in the back and cried feeling for the first time that God had not forgotten me. Since that day He continues to direct my path. I never really had good friends and now I feel like I have a family. I came to Fuel to continue growing and was again amazed at how much I love my church home. I feel God here and I have never felt judged. I still have a long way to go but at least I know I have a place to start and a family that will walk with me through this journey!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Opportunities Pass
One of my best friends once told me a saying that has stuck to this day 'Opportunities Pass'. He meant that in every situation you are given an opportunity to grow, an opportunity to bless and an opportunity to love. In every situation you either enter into it or you let is pass. But they do pass. Sometimes they return as another opportunity but somethings they don't. In other words make the most of every opportunity that comes your way. This season you will be given many opportunities. An opportunity to take a Fuel class An opportunity to find community through a group www.thecrossing/smallgroup. An opportunity to risk. No matter what comes your way this next season embrace it and don't run from it. Opportunities pass, don't miss the one that is given to you.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Testimonies from FUEL..
Here are just a few things people are saying about their Fuel expeirnce...
- So WONDERFUL! Can't wait for next week!
- Off the hook!
- It was W.I.L.D. !!! ;-)
- The mens class was great. This is something I have been looking for. Guys sharing with one another. Thanks Patrick/thanks Crossing!!
- I enjoyed the "men's" class. I am looking forward to going again....and again...and again....who knew that men could get together and have a rap session without using foul language or alcohol!
- Excellent!
- We may have to extend it to 8 weeks or more..!!!!!
- Wonderfully Wild!!!
- Nothing better than a room full of WILD women!!!! =)
- It was good---hopefully will figure out how to tell someone "I'm not into dating---just into courting"...?! :O
- What a AWSOME class we had with last night. It is AWSOME to see all the people show up for spiritual growth.YOU ROCK Patrick, and all the team with you. Thank you for offering us chances and choices to learn more and become better stewards to GOD.
- Thank you for being obedient to the ideas God has given you re: FUEL. :) I truly enjoyed the class and it is going to be fantastic!
- Thanks for shining some light my way.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
It is possible to change?
This week we started a new Fuel season where close to 300 men and women are taking one of 14 classes available to them. The classes range from spiritual leadership for men to learning to be WILD for the women. Content for some classes include learning to study your bible, new parenting techniques, sharing your faith, even an ESL class. And as people start their classes I am reminded of a recent conversation I had with someone where they asked me,'Is it REALLY possible to change?' I am always taken by how powerful God is in peoples lives simply because I know how powerful He has been in mine. Over the next 6 weeks I will share stories of how God is still in the business of doing miracles. Do you believe Jesus can change you? I believe He can because He has changed me. And maybe as you read some of these stories you will be encouraged to believe that God can change you. There is nothing God can't redeem, restore or you believe it? If you would like to sign up for any Fuel class go to You can join anytime throughout the 6 weeks, everyone is welcomed!
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
It's all Hebrew to me.........
I remember as a kid always feeling intimated by the Bible. I would listen to people who knew the bible inside and out and would think, I could never be as knowledgeable with the bible. That's the funny thing about intimidation. We begin to believe things that aren't true. A long time ago God gave us a love letter and its titled the Bible. Its the most exciting story ever told. Its filled with the description and character of God. I mean think about that statement. We get a glimpse of who God is and what's even more powerful about this book is we get a glimpse of how he feels about us. But because we feel inadequate, intimated or maybe just disinterested we never open up this love letter. This season we are starting a FUEL class on learning to study your BIBLE. This class will equip and inspire you to open up a book that can change your entire perspective on God. Sign up at
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
20 Something....
This next FUEL season we are launching a new FUEL class for 20 somethings. The purpose of this class is to discuss issues that dominate the life of a young adult. Topics like career, purpose, dating and developing an authentic relationship with God. You will walk away knowing you are not alone and discuss some of the most important topics that you are dealing with in your journey. For more information contact Pax Pulido at The class will discuss The Purpose Driven Life. The class will be taught by Pax Pulido. You can sign up at
Monday, October 4, 2010
It can change if you RAISE your HAND
I am more convinced that spiritual growth happens when we raise our hand. This is what I mean. Remember when you were in grade school, one of the most terrifying things we did was raise our hand. The teachers would always say 'there is no such thing as a dumb question' but you knew better. If the question was dumb then it was dumb. But when we finally had the courage to raise our hand and ask a question, in that moment we grew. Our maturity grew, our courage grew and our knowledge grew. When we raise our hand we are willing to risk and willing to change. When we raise our hand we are saying, 'I'm in'. But many times we never raise our hand and take a next step and in the process we never learn. In just a few days we are starting our Fall Fuel classes. We have 14 classes to choose from There is a class for you. Take a risk to learn something new, raise your hand and choose to grow. You won't regret it.
Friday, October 1, 2010
My LIFE is a walking MIRACLE
Every person has a story. Some stories are filled with drama and chaos. Some are filled with twists and turns. While other stories are mundane and routine. No matter what kind of story you have one thing is certain, its YOUR story. What may have started as a story with no real ending is now redirected towards hope, purpose and a new life. And the one thing someone can never debate about God is YOU. You and I are walking miracles. Our life is a living testimony that God is still in the business of changing lives. But many times we find ourselves having a hard time sharing our story. We don't know how to bridge a conversation about the miracle God has done in us. So we never risk, we never share and we never introduce people to the man who changed it all. This is why we are starting a FUEL class on SHARING YOUR STORY. Sign up at and begin to share the miracle of what God has done in your life!
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