Monday, June 14, 2010

Happy Monday Crossing Family!

School is almost out, vacations are just around the corner and rest is on the agenda. This summer we want to create some space for you to rest and renew your faith. That’s why we have a few spiritual opportunities this summer. In order to sign up for these events go online at

July 20th - RE-FUEL (Tuesdays 6:30-8pm in the Warehouse)
This is a 7 week summer bible study on Matthew 5. Dr. Bill Dogterom and Pastors Patrick Detken and Randy Moraitis will be teaching on one of the most amazing sermons ever given we will also share in a time of worship and prayer. Bring your Bible, a notebook and enjoy the adventure of being in the Word and allowing it to simply give you a new perspective. The study is $20 for all 7 week.

July 31st - Spiritual Retreat (Saturday 9-3pm at The Crossing in the Warehouse)
Need a time of renewal and revelation? We will be focusing on spiritual practices like solitude, silence, meditation and bible study. Dr. Bill Gaultiere and other spiritual formation experts will redirect your attention to Christ. You won’t want to miss this event, it will fill you up! The cost is $10.

August 5 & 6 - Leadership Summit
If you have ever needed a crash course on spiritual leadership you don’t want to miss these two days. We will learn from some of the best spiritual leaders in the world! These two days will rock your world. The discounted price for The Crossing is $75 the code is TEAM2010S for the discount.

Mentoring – Would you like a spiritual mentor? We are ramping up our next season of mentoring and if you have always wanted someone to help you put together a spiritual growth plan, accountability or help you grow in your walk with the Lord this is for you. These spiritual directors have been mentored by a pastors at The Crossing and are currently looking for people to mentor in the fall.

If you have any questions about any of these classes email me at

In His Hands,

Patrick Detken
Pastor of Grow Ministries