Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Save The Date

You know them. You’ve heard them. You’ve sung them. The above lyrics are the opening lines to Kool & the Gang’s infamous 80’s song. This may be a bit sacrilegious, but there are times when I’m thinking this song might be playing frequently on the playlist in heaven. What does this have to do with anything? Well, I’m writing to invite you to something we’re calling fan-tab-u-lous. What is it? It’s going to be a fantastic and fabulous celebration of 23 years of God’s graciousness to His church, The Crossing! I’m letting you know about this before the entire church because, as a part of the CORE of The Crossing, I WANT you there!!!


Friday night - October 7
7 – 8:30 p.m.
The Crossing Church

(Childcare provided by advanced reservation)
Advanced “free” tickets will be available to you, the CORE, for the NEXT two weekends, before they are made available to the entire church. You can pick them up in the church office the next two weekends, Saturday 5-7pm or Sunday 9am-1pm. This is a DO NOT MISS event. Block out Friday, October 7, right NOW!

I challenge you, go ahead and take the time to look into God’s Word at how often God talks about parties, celebrations and banquets. The frequency is stunning! Basically, heaven is going to be one HUGE, flippin party. I can’t wait, but until then, put, fan-ta-bu-lous on your calendar, Friday, October 7. The party is for our fantastic and fabulous God, as well as to dedicate our new facility and celebrate God’s hand in it ALL! Make sure you get your “free” tickets the next two weekends, Sept. 3rd/4th and Sept. 9th/10th, before they become available to the entire church. Only so many seats are available.

Partying for our Lord,

Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing
P.S. Life change, transformation, restoration, reconciliation, and God’s goodness is everywhere around The Crossing. Make sure you block out the date, Friday, October 7, NOW! Don’t let anything get in the way of YOU joining the celebration.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


How long are the classes and what's the cost? Each class is 5 weeks and cost $10. The cost does not include the book. However, the books are supplemental and helpful to the class but not mandatory.

Is there childcare available for these classes? Yes, the cost for childcare is $40 for the 5 weeks for one child or $50 for 5 weeks for 2 children.

FUEL: LIFE Edition
These FUEL: Life classes start on Tuesday, September 13th and are designed to give you the tools to live a life fully obedient to God.

Finances: The vision of this 5 week class on finances is to give people the education and access to the information that will enable them to become God honoring stewards of the financial resources He has entrusted to them. The goal is to see people prayerfully establish specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-defined financial goals, and then see those goals achieved and recorded on an ongoing basis. For more information contact Ward and Maria Nickless at

Chazown: Chazown is a Hebrew word for vision, and it's what God had in mind for you when you were created. Each of us is a masterpiece, placed on earth for a unique purpose that's solely ours to fulfill. In this class you will uncover God's dream for your life - your Chazown (pronounced khaw-ZONE). We will also talk about how to spiritually grow in 5 key areas of your life regarding your relationship with the Lord, your relationship with others, your health, your job and your finances. For more information contact Patrick Detken at

Knowing God: This is an introductory class to the basics of Christian teachings about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and the Bible. We will discuss world religions and how Christianity is different. The class is practical with an emphasis on the importance of reading the Bible and seeking God in everyday life. For more information contact James Paley at

GO University: How do I live for Jesus GOing into the world globally and locally? If Matthew 28 tells us to go out in the world and make disciples how do we do that and how do we reach people for Jesus and while showing and sharing Gods love in this world. This class will give you practical tools to do just that not just in your community but around the world.  For more information contact Ian Stevenson at
**This class is a prerequisite for anyone who desires to do a missions trip in 2012

FUEL: CARE Edition
These FUEL: Care Classes begin Wednesday, September 14th from 6:30-8pm and are designed with an emphasis on issues concerning emotional health and healing.

Anxiety and Depression Bootcamp IIfor anyone struggling with anxiety or depression as well as their family members. You will be given tools and support to find the healing you need and deserve. Anxiety/Depression Bootcamp II is different material from our previous session, but you need not have attended before. Taught by Mike Marino, PhD.

Anger Support Classfor those struggling with anger issues. In this group an expert in anger support will teach you healthy ways to deal with stressful situations and practical tools for dealing with anger. Taught by licensed counselor Terry LaDow, MS.

Grief Support groupa safe place to find the care and support you need after losing a loved one. You will learn how to process your grief in a healthy way and be cared for during this difficult time. Led by Julie Clark and Jennifer Switzer.

Eating Disorders Support Groupa safe place for those who struggle with eating disorders as well as their friend, family, and loved ones.

For further information on any of these FUEL: Care Edition Classes contact Randy Moraitis at


Small Groups @ The Crossing
In the New Testament there are over 50 'one anothers' on how to live. Things like love one another, forgive one another and serve one another and we believe one of the best ways to experience the 'one anothers' is through small groups. We have 2 kinds of groups at The Crossing:

Connection Groups and Community Groups

What are Connection Groups? Connection groups are on the Crossing campus and a great way to meet new people. The group discusses the weekend messages.There is a teacher who reviews what was talked about from the weekend and then you break up into groups to discuss the message further and apply it into your life.

What kinds of Connection groups are available and when do they start?
  • Connection groups for Women begin on October 17th on Mondays from 6:30-8pm
  • Connection groups for Couples (married and engaged) begin on October 18th on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm
  • Connection groups for Men begin on October 19th on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm.

What's the cost and how long do the groups last? The cost is $5 for the group and the groups will run until the 2nd week of December. For any questions on Connection groups contact Patrick at

What are Community groups? Community groups meet in homes all over Orange County. They study various book of the bible, discuss the weekend message or a topical book (Examples are topics like marriage, Christian living and parenting)

When do the groups begin and whats the cost? The only cost for the group is the cost of the book the group is studying.
For any questions on community groups contact Nicole Carter at

Spiritual Mentoring

Spiritual Mentoring

You are beginning a spiritual mentoring experience. Thank you for being willing to take this step of personal growth!
How do you get a spiritual mentor?
Fill out the questionare on the website and you will be contacted.

What does it mean to say yes to this journey?

Well, it means you are willing to be accountable in 3 key areas of your life
• You are willing to be in an accountable relationship with a spiritual mentor regarding your life with Christ, your finances, your purity, your relationships and your job.
• You willing to learn new ways to develop an intimate relationship with our Jesus.
• You willing to give away to someone else what will be given to you.

This journey will include:

• One on one meetings that last between 60-90 minutes with your spiritual mentor 1-2x’s a month depending on what is better for you and your mentor.
• Assigned chapters in specific books that will be discussed during your one on ones.
• Time for you to apply some of the key spiritual practice, bible study methods and discipleship tools.

The books we will be using are:

• New Believers Bible (Greg Laurie)
• Chazown by Craig Groeshel
• The Life You’ve Always Wanted by John Ortberg
• Bible Study Methods by Rick Warren
• Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

What can you expect from your spiritual mentor?
Perfection! Just kidding, seriously remember that the person that is walking with you is on their own personal journey. In other words they are not perfect. They will make mistakes and will not have all the answers but....
They will love you. The people in your life are there because they want to be in your life. They will let you know how much you matter to God and how much you matter to them.
They will follow up. Your mentor will ask you about the assignments that were given or experiences you had through your readings.
They will challenge your growth. Your mentor will challenge decisions you make if they are inconsistent with Gods perspective. At times it will simply be them giving you feedback from what they have learned on their journey.
They will pray for you weekly. Your mentor will take down prayer requests after each time together and throughout the week will be designating time to pray for your needs.
They will respond, maybe not immediately but they will respond. If you have an immediate need or urgent prayer request you have permission to call, email or text your mentor. However, they may be unable to respond right away so be patient. They are a volunteer with a family and a ‘real’ job but they will make themselves available as things stir in your heart.

How long will this spiritual journey last?
There are 15 meetings you will be having with your mentor, if you meet once a month then this journey will takes you 15 months. If you meet every 3 weeks you will be done in a year and if you meet every other week you will be done 10 months.

What will I learn during this spiritual journey?
• A solid biblical foundation
• Techniques on studying the Bible
• Tools on spiritual practices
• Clear purpose and Chazown in your life
• Clarity on character strengths and weaknesses
• A spiritual growth plan
• Learn full devotion and obedience with your finances, health, job, relationship with others and your relationship with God.

What will I be able to do with what I learn in this spiritual journey?
• Clearly communicate the Gospel and your personal faith with others
• Teach others on how to study bible
• Teach others on how to practice spiritual disciplines
• Help someone find their Chazown
• Use your gifts in ministry and mission for your life.

You ready?