Thursday, December 15, 2011

New Life Stage Connection Groups

God has recently placed on my heart the need to ‘group’ people up depending on life stage or interest. For instance, I absolutely love my small group, I’ve been with these married couples for over 5 years now and one of the best parts is that we all have young kids between ages 1-9 so we share a lot of experiences together. We’ve all gone camping together, been to our kids baseball games and tons of other things. Its these common interests that have really bonded us because we GET IT! And to be honest I think many people want a place like that.

So in the new year I plan on starting new Connection groups on campus for specific groupings of people. Some of the ideas have been groups for married, newly married, dating/courting, men, women, singles, young adults, college, parents with toddlers, parents with elementary, parents with teens, blended families, single parents or people dealing with certain care needs like anger, eating disorders, grief, cancer, 12 Step for men and women, divorce recovery.My question for you is would you be interested in helping facilitate one of these groups. We need people with a heart for these areas to that would be interested in gathering people together that are going through the same things and build community. I would help you decide on a book you could use and how to facilitate the discussion. The group would be for 5 weeks.

We would begin these groups mid-February 2012 during the week. Let me know if you are interested and definitely be prayerful for our new adventure!

Contact us at if you're interested.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

New FUEL: Bible Studies in 2012

FUEL: Bible Studies will be offered 3 nights (each night a different study available) on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.FUEL: Bible Studies will begin on January 16,17 and 19 and last 5 weeks from 6:30-8pm. Each study is $10. You can officially sign up

Monday Bible Studies starting January 16th

John (For Men Only) To RSVP contact Marty Whitecotton
John begins his first letter with a lengthy introduction in which he assures the readers that what he is going to tell them about, he saw, heard with his own ears, and even touched. He wants them to understand that his message is grounded in reality, a reality he himself was witness to. You will experience what he saw and how it applies into your life!

Luke (Co-ed) To RSVP contact Jaime
Jesus as portrayed in the Gospel of Luke. Together we will learn how to use regular bible study as tool for helping us live the same kind of life that Jesus did. Our series will focus on careful study of five key passages in the Gospel of Luke. We will provide students with study tools each week, including short readings from Luke (Understanding the Bible Commentary) by Craig Evans

Tuesday Bible Studies starting January 17th

1st and 2nd Kings (Co-ed) To RSVP contact Brett Detken at
Following God means giving Him everything you got! If you are serious about stepping up your walk with God, come and learn with us, as we study the lives of people who did,(and didn’t) trust God, and discover how that decision impacted the rest of their lives...

Ephesians (For Couples Only) To RSVP contact Patrick Detken at
All throughout Ephesians you notice 3 key themes. Learning to sit in the knowledge of who God tells you who you really are, learning to walk in the Lords ways and then standing on the truth of God's perspective. We will be diving into this letter from Paul and how affects our relationships.

1 John  (For Women Only) To RSVP contact Nicole Romero at
What does it mean to really follow God in a world full of confusion? What does a Christ-Follower look like? Inside & Out. Body & Soul. Join us as we study 1 John and explore how to live as true children of God: Loving, Bold and Free in every possible way.1 John addresses big questions like "How do I know I am a Christian?" and "How do I live a Godly life inside and out?" It also digs deep into how we can each give and receive love boldly and deeply. We think this little book is great way to study daily Christian living and get to the heart of God. We will be using either John Ortberg's 1 John study.

Thursday Bible Studies starting January 19th

James (Co-ed) – To RSVP contact Randy Clark at
As united believers we could all understand a lot about James by simply reading his letter, the Book of James. Our desire is that this study on the Book of James will bless you and inspire you go deeper into God's word and be excited to pursue a deeper and more committed relationship with Jesus. James will help us reflect on wisdom, action, judgement, perseverance and patience. James 5 chapters are broken down into life lessons. Practicality crossed with proverbs. This study will be broken down both in historic and practical perspectives."

1 Peter (For Women Only) – To RSVP contact Mindy Wolford at
I Peter is a “letter” from Peter that encourages us as believers to have HOPE in Christ no matter what happens in our lives and to ASSURE us that we can DEPEND on the sufficiency of God’s GRACE. Peter is writing to help us understand the wonderful gift we have been given through the suffering of Christ, the blood that Jesus Christ poured out for us, and His resurrection. Our former understanding of the world is no longer valid, but a new understanding is given in God's word ~ and it is what we can rely on. What used to be our former life, is no longer, but now we have a new life. We will suffer in this world but the best suffering is because of our new way of living, according to God's word. To suffer because we follow Christ is worthy suffering. I Peter will show us how to live well in a shattered and helpless world because God will equip us to live at peace in the midst of tough times. (I Peter 2:2-3)

Titus (Co-ed For Singles Only) – To RSVP contact Ethen Thacher at
As God's people, we are called to be holy in our character and conduct. But how do we walk that out in our daily lives? Please join us as we learn God's perspective on leadership, as well as conduct, both inside and outside of the church.Want a sneak peak of what we have planned? Click on the link below

Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm Training for My Next Marathon and.....

I've realized how much I think when I run. I was explaining some of my thoughts to a friend recently and he encouraged me to put them on my blog. I have enjoyed training for different races since 2009, including some small and larger triathlons, a half marathon and the LA Marathon in 2010. My next race is the Huntington Beach Marathon in February 2012 so I thought I would include some thoughts and reflections on what God is teaching me and seems to reveal to me on my runs.

The bible says in 1 Timothy 4:7-8 in the Message says "Exercise daily in God—no spiritual flabbiness, please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever." The NIV says it this way "train yourself to be godly. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come."

I speak to many people every week from all kinds of pasts and challenges they are facing. And I'm convinced that we don't exercise daily in God. We find ourselves thrown back and forth because of laziness and a lack of discipline in our lives. As I was running I reflected on how many times I said something that I shouldn't have said or acted in a way that wasn't honoring to our Lord and I realized how entitled I feel to do so. I don't want that in my life. I want to live a disciplined life, no excuses and no whining. Just exercising daily in God. At least that's what I'm praying about in my life.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Sex Dating & Mating Small Group Questions (Oct 29/30)

Guidelines for your discussions
1. Confidentiality: Whatever we share in the group stays in the group.
2. I statements: Speak about yourself; don’t share about someone else’s story.
3. Respect: Share your opinions and respect other people’s opinions.
4. Time: Show up on time or let someone know if you are running late.
5. Participate: Be willing to participate in the group discussion.
6. Mindfulness: Allow other people to speak; don’t dominate the time.
7. Fixing: Don’t try to fix someone; allow people their process.
8. Sharing: Be as honest as you feel capable of being about the topic.
9. Weekend: Try to come on the weekend so you have a good idea of the topic.
10. Fun: Enjoy the people in your group and enjoy the journey God has you on concerning the topic.

Look Back (Questions that make you reflect back on your week)

• What was one high you had this weekend?
• What kind of marriage did your parents have growing up?(Ideal, Spasmodic, Platonic, Chaotic, Despotic, Realistic, Great)

Look Out (Questions that make you look out and discuss how the world sees the topic)

• Tim said that marriages either get better or they start to fall back. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
• Why do you think more than half of marriages end up in divorce?

Look Up (Questions that make you look at God’s perspective on the topic)

• What’s one negative thing you saw growing up in your parent’s marriage that you have seen in your own marriage or your relationships?
• What’s one positive thing you saw growing up in your parent’s marriage that you have seen in your own marriage or your relationships?

Look In (Questions that make you look in and apply the scriptures into your life)

Tim said feelings follow actions Philippians 2:2,4
• Tim mentioned that any relationship needs Attention, Affirmation, Affection, Adventure, Accordance, if you are married which do you feel like you need?
• What do you need to do in order to bring spiritual unity in your marriage?
• Prayer Requests

Lifelines Celebration Dinner

Purpose: To honor, encourage and celebrate folks in recovery in our community.

Date: December 16th Dinner Service starts at 6:30pm. Program starts at 7pm.

Needs: Turkeys, side dishes and desserts, plates, utensils, beverages (coffee, water?), facilities: set up/take down, food servers, gift

If you can help out contact Randy Moraitis at

Monday, October 24, 2011

Series: Sex: Dating and Mating Small Group Questions (October 22/23)

Look Back (Questions that make you reflect back on your week)

• Where has God been working in your life lately?

Look Out (Questions that make you look out and discuss how the world sees the topic)

Why do you think people conceal sin? “He who conceals his sins never, ever prospers…” Proverbs 28:13a

Look Up (Questions that make you look at God’s perspective on the topic)

“Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.” James 1:14-15

First stage: Strip the gears (Tim mentioned there are ‘gears’ that move us into sexual immorality
  • First gear is the “talking” gear.
  • Second gear is the “embracing” gear.
  • Third gear is the “caressing” gear.
  • Fourth gear is the “stimulating” gear.
Second stage: Lose control and the potential crash
“…not to awaken love until the time is right.” Song of Solomon 2:7
“The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing…husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting.” Ephesians 5:23, 25

• In the past when have you found yourself losing control?

Look In
(Questions that make you look in and apply the scriptures into your life)
Third stage: Sexual confusion
Tim mentioned that women want living together to lead to marriage and men just want sex

• Do agree with the above statement that Tim made this weekend?
• What struck you about this illustration that Tim gave this weekend about a peanut butter sandwich and a kite?

Tim mentioned that sex was soul-ish

• How do you think sex affects your soul?

Chaplain Training

We are very excited to announce that we are starting a Chaplain Ministry at The Crossing! This is a program where we will have volunteers trained and ready to do visitations to people in hospitals, hospices, homes, treatment centers, and more.

To launch this program we have an award winning Board Certified Chaplain who will conduct a training on Wednesday November 9th from 6:00-8:00pm here at The Crossing.

I am writing to you because I would like to invite you to attend this very valuable one-time training where you will learn the skills needed to encourage and pray for someone going through a difficult situation.

If you would like to attend this training, please RSVP to Randy Moraitis at

Grow Ministries

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

December 10th Spiritual Retreat for Grow Ministry

We have created a day to prepare to prepare you for the 2012 season of Spiritual Growth!

Here are just a few details:

Time: December 10th, Saturday from 9am-3pm
Location: O’neil Park . It takes about 30-35 minutes from Costa Mesa to get to O'neil Park.
Cost: $10. ($5 for parking, pay that when yo arrive at gate and $5 for the material, pay that when you get in the room)
What about food? Bring drinks, snacks and your lunch. In order to keep the cost down we will NOT be providing food so make sure you bring something from home.
Bring: Your lunch and drinks for the day, lawn chair, Bible, journal,pen. If you have the book 'The Life You've Always Wanted' by John Ortberg make sure to bring it.
- Weather: Check the weather to see if you need to bring a jacket, you will be spending time outside in the beauty of nature.

Special Night @ Detken's

Come ALL Mentors, Mentees and Group Leaders on
November 19th 7-8:30pm and enjoy a night of Celebrating what God has done this past year.

We will share worship together, pray together and share communion together as we begin this Thanksgiving season!

This is a special time designed for you as someone leading or being mentored in the Grow Ministries. Come join us! RSVP at

Small Group Questions for Sex Series (Week Oct 17-23)

Lean In

• How long have you been attending the church?
• What brought you to the church and what’s been your impression since attending?
• Finish this sentence. “The characteristic that you admire/love about God is…..”

Look Up

During the first week of this series Tim mentioned we live in a sex saturated society! Where everyone has an opinion about sex. Opinions like…..

Parents say: “Don’t do it!”
The Church “Don’t do it because it is dirty and sinful!”
The Schools say, “This is how you should do it!”
The Media says: “Do it all the time with anyone!”

• What did you hear growing up about the topic?

Tim mentioned that Sex is everywhere.

“God wants you to be holy so you should keep clear of all sexual sin. Then each of you will control your body and live in holiness and honor not in lustful passion as the pagans do in their ignorance of God and His ways. God has called us to be holy not to live impure lives.” 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, 7

Tim mentioned that holiness is the process where God brings order into your life.

• What do you believe is Gods heart for your life?

Tim mentioned that what most people want for your life is no different from what God really wants for your life. What we really want is intimacy.

• Do agree or disagree…why or why not?

Look Out

• What do you want God to do in your life right now?
• Do you have accountability in your life? If not why not? If yes, how do they hold you accountable?
• What step can you take this week to move you towards Gods plan for your life?

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Great Resources for Spiritual Growth

Message on Holy Spirit by Craig Groeschel

Message on Holy Spirit by Mark Driscoll

Message on Prayer by Francis Chan

We are God's Original Masterpiece Video

Matthew Party Training

This series we just finished on “The Chair” has reminded us all about the urgency, value and responsibility we all have to intentionally connect with our friends, family and neighbors.

As a church we want to continue to spur one another on and encourage each other in this regard. SOOOOO we want to invite all our leaders, mentors, and key people who are willing on Halloween weekend (or shortly thereafter) to throw a “Mathew Party”. Basically it is an opportunity for us to intentionally invite our friends, family, neighbors and coworkers, who don’t know how much they matter to God, to a party with some of our other friends, who do.
If you would be willing to intentionally throw a “Mathew Party” or would at least be willing to come and learn more about what one is and how you could join this movement here at The Crossing there are 2 opportunities for you to experience a brief training, orientation & prayer time for what God could do as we engage in this together. You can come on Sunday morning October 16th OR 23rd from 10:30 – 11:15 IN THE LOFT!!!

Prayer for the Detken's

I have specifically set time aside to pray for everyone that is is being mentored, mentoring or leading in the grow ministires. However, many of you have been returning the favor by asking me what I need prayer for and I love that! So I decided that I would share with you some specific prayer requests for me and my family if you feel led to lift up the Detken.
  • Pray for my dad. He has not crossed the line of faith but I am believing that God will change his heart this year.
  • Pray for my brother (Karl) who will be moving to Florida this year. This is a big move!
  • Pray for my son (Jackson) and his self-control (when your 9 years old, that's kinda tough :) Actually that's tough at any age!
  • Pray for my daughter (Mia) and her developing good friendship (she's in the 1st grade)
  • Pray for my wife and wisdom as she is considering going back to school.
  • Pray for wisdom for me as I counsel people God places in my life and how He wants me to step into their life.
Thanks for your prayers!

Mentors Dessert Night

Hey guys, we will be spending some time together on Saturday, October 15th from 7-8:30pm at my house. It's a dessert potluck so bring a treat to share. My address is 2753 San Juan Lane, Costa Mesa 92626. We will be spending some time in prayer and preparing our hearts for the Thanksgiving season that is just around the corner.

Please email me at and let me know if you are attending. This is for all of you that are mentoring someone.

In His Hands,


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Connection Groups on Sex:Dating and Mating

What are Connection Groups? Connection groups meet on the Crossing campus and a great way to meet new people. The group will be discussing the new series Sex: Mating and Dating.There is a teacher who reviews what was talked about from the weekend and then you break up into groups to discuss the message further and apply it into your life.

What will be series Sex: Mating and Dating? During the series we’ll discuss Gods perspective in issues like being single, being married, purity, communication and much more.

How long do the groups last? Connection groups begin the week of October 17th and ends November 23rd lasting 6 weeks from 6:30-8pm.

What's the cost for the group? $5

Is there childcare available? Yes, the cost is $60 for all 6 weeks and you can register online.

What kinds of Connection groups are available and when do they start?
  • Connection Groups for Women begin on October 17th on Mondays from 6:30-8pm. Monday nights are led by Nicole Romero ( and Cyndi Clark (
  • Connection Groups for Couples (married and engaged) begin on October 18th on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm. Tuesday nights are led by Patrick Detken ( )
  • Connection Groups for Men begin on October 19th on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm. Wednesday nights are led by Randy Clark ( and Dale Winson (
Feel free to contact any of the leaders if you have any questions about the Connection groups on the night you are interested in attending.To sign up for connections go to 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Small Group Questions (The Chair 10/1-10/2)

If you have anyone in your group that is new make sure to make introductions and welcome them to the group. Share the vision of the group and your heart for why you are leading. Always begin by sharing the guidelines:

Guidelines for your Group

1. Confidentiality: Whatever we share in the group stays in the group.
2. I statements: Speak about yourself; don’t share about someone else’s story.
3. Respect: Share your opinions and respect other people’s opinions.
4. Time: Show up on time or let someone know if you are running late.
5. Participate: Be willing to participate in the group discussion.
6. Mindfulness: Allow other people to speak; don’t dominate the time.
7. Fixing: Don’t try to fix someone; allow people their process.
8. Sharing: Be as honest as you feel capable of being about the topic.
9. Weekend: Try to come on the weekend so you have a good idea of the topic.
10. Fun: Enjoy the people in your group and enjoy the journey God has you on concerning the topic.

Look BACK (30 minutes)
• What have you enjoyed about this series The Chair?
• Has it been easy or hard to pray for the names of the people you wrote on the chair? Why?

Look UP (60 minutes)
Tim shared four important truths to share with someone who doesn’t know Jesus
“He (being God) has set eternity in the hearts of men.” Ecclesiastes 3:11

1st: God’s love
“God has loved us with an everlasting love.” Jeremiah 31:3
The benefits of having a relationship with Jesus are
• A clear conscience
• Power to live daily life
• Deep relationships with others

Group Question: Which of these 3 have had the greatest impact on your life?

2nd: Our problem
• “For all have sinned and fall short.” Romans 3:23
• “For the wages of sin is death.” Romans 6:23
• “God is patient, not wanting anyone to perish.” 2 Peter 3:9

Group Question: If you were sharing with someone about Christ, what would you say was YOUR problem that led you to ask Christ into your life?

3rd: God’s solution
“But God demonstrates His own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”

4th: Our CHOICE

Group Question: Since asking Jesus into your life how has He changed it?

Look OUT (30 minutes)
• Take down prayer requests.
• Spend time praying for one another and the person you wrote on the chair.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Local Outreach Opportunities

Mentoring At-Risk Youth through the Public Schools

A mentoring program has begun where small groups of at-risk students (3-5) will be paired with a mentor (or two) to meet together 1-hour each week after school. The lesson curriculum is all provided - no experience is necessary - and a comprehensive training will be offered. The small groups will cover topics like character development, goal setting, life-skills, peacemaking, and caring for others. The groups will meet on the school campus - they're fun, valuable, and proven to impact a student and even change a community. The influence of a caring adult is immeasurable and the reward is priceless! Would you consider jumping on board and becoming a mentor this year? This starts in October and will run for 10 weeks.

Share Your English

Did you know that ESL (English as a Second Language) classes are in extremely high demand? People in our community are eager to learn and/or improve their English. This provides an amazing ministry opportunity for you: Share your English! It's easy and fun. We provide a teacher to lead the class, and as a tutor, you work one on one with a student to help them practice their English. Students in the class are Intermediate and Advanced leveles. We invite you to serve your community and make new friends. Classes will start on Thursday, October 13, 6:30-8 p.m. for 8 weeks.

Reading Room

In addition to the ESL class, we will be offering storytime/homework assistance for school-age children in another classroom. Volunteers will be available to read stories out loud, perform educational activities, and offer limited homework assistance. This will take place in a fun, but purposeful environment for children in Grades K - 6th to work on their reading and literacy skills.

Contact Michelle at to be a volunteer in a the reading room. This will start on Thursday, October 13, 6:30-8 p.m. for 8 weeks.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mentoring Sessions 2 and 3

Purpose: First steps for every Christian starting the spiritual mentoring process Book: New Believers Bible by Greg Laurie
Cost: $5
Readings: Pages 1-64
Being Fed : During these months, you will know the fundamentals of your faith.
Feeding Self: During these months, you will learn to feed yourself by studying the topics and taking a test to challenge you to know the material.
Feeding Others: During these months, you will feed others by serving in the Children’s ministry once a month for 3 months in 1 service

First Discussion on New Believers Bible (pages 1-35)

Why did you ask Jesus into your life? (pages A11-A14)
• What has God done for you? (A15-A22)
• Read "Who is God and Who is Jesus" out loud (A23-A24). Which characteristics strike you about God and Jesus?
• Give a brief description of what you learned about who the Holy Spirit, devil, angels, demons, heaven, and hell are from what you read. (A26-28)
• There are 10 characteristics described in the Christian life (love, forgiveness, purity, perseverance, integrity, faith, discernment, peace, joy, and accountability). Which are your strengths and which are your weaknesses? (A29-A35)
• What prayer requests do you have?

Second Discussion on New Believers Bible (pages 36-64)

Why is it important to study the bible and pray? (A37-A38)
• As a Christian, there are a few things that will keep us moving forward in obedience to Him, such as resisting temptation, living in God’s power, sharing your faith, seeking His will, giving to God, and having courage in trials. In which two areas have you been disobedient in the past? (A40-A44)
• If you're married, discuss the marriage portion of A 44-A45. If you have children, discuss the children portion on A 46.
• As a Christian, nothing will be as impactful as meditating and memorizing scripture. Choose one verse a month that you will meditate on and memorize from A59-A64. Circle them in your bible and write them on an index card. Each month before you begin your time together, tell your spiritual mentor your verse. This will challenge you to sit and soak in God’s word. You will never regret this spiritual disciple!
• What prayer requests do you have?

Study the information you reviewed with your mentor and take this quiz on your own to help you determine how much of the information you have retained.

If someone asked you who is God, what would you tell them?
• If someone asked you who is Jesus, what would you tell them?
• What are 3 characteristics about Jesus?
• Give a brief description of what you learned about each of the following:
o Devil
o Angels and the Holy Spirit
o Demons
o Heaven
o Hell

• There are 10 characteristics described in the Christian life. What are they?
• Why is it important to study the bible?
• Why is it important to pray?
• How do we resist temptation?
• What does it mean to live in God’s power?
• Are we called to share our faith? Why?
• What is God's perspective on giving?
• What is God’s perspective on marriage?
• What is God's perspective on children?

Mentoring Session 1

Purpose: Getting to know one another
Book: No book is needed for this meeting. Bring your journal to take any notes.
Being Fed: During this month, you will KNOW your mentor and they will get to know you.
Feeding Self: During this month, you will GROW, purchasing the New Believers Bible and begin your reading for meetings 2 and 3.


• How did you find the church and what has it meant to you?
• Where was your life before knowing Jesus and what has your life been like since knowing Jesus?
• What led you to choose Jesus into your life?
• What excites you about this journey we are going on?
• What makes you nervous about this journey we are going on?
• Are you agreeing to the covenant?
• What are your prayer requests?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Save The Date

You know them. You’ve heard them. You’ve sung them. The above lyrics are the opening lines to Kool & the Gang’s infamous 80’s song. This may be a bit sacrilegious, but there are times when I’m thinking this song might be playing frequently on the playlist in heaven. What does this have to do with anything? Well, I’m writing to invite you to something we’re calling fan-tab-u-lous. What is it? It’s going to be a fantastic and fabulous celebration of 23 years of God’s graciousness to His church, The Crossing! I’m letting you know about this before the entire church because, as a part of the CORE of The Crossing, I WANT you there!!!


Friday night - October 7
7 – 8:30 p.m.
The Crossing Church

(Childcare provided by advanced reservation)
Advanced “free” tickets will be available to you, the CORE, for the NEXT two weekends, before they are made available to the entire church. You can pick them up in the church office the next two weekends, Saturday 5-7pm or Sunday 9am-1pm. This is a DO NOT MISS event. Block out Friday, October 7, right NOW!

I challenge you, go ahead and take the time to look into God’s Word at how often God talks about parties, celebrations and banquets. The frequency is stunning! Basically, heaven is going to be one HUGE, flippin party. I can’t wait, but until then, put, fan-ta-bu-lous on your calendar, Friday, October 7. The party is for our fantastic and fabulous God, as well as to dedicate our new facility and celebrate God’s hand in it ALL! Make sure you get your “free” tickets the next two weekends, Sept. 3rd/4th and Sept. 9th/10th, before they become available to the entire church. Only so many seats are available.

Partying for our Lord,

Tim Celek
Lead Pastor
The Crossing
P.S. Life change, transformation, restoration, reconciliation, and God’s goodness is everywhere around The Crossing. Make sure you block out the date, Friday, October 7, NOW! Don’t let anything get in the way of YOU joining the celebration.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


How long are the classes and what's the cost? Each class is 5 weeks and cost $10. The cost does not include the book. However, the books are supplemental and helpful to the class but not mandatory.

Is there childcare available for these classes? Yes, the cost for childcare is $40 for the 5 weeks for one child or $50 for 5 weeks for 2 children.

FUEL: LIFE Edition
These FUEL: Life classes start on Tuesday, September 13th and are designed to give you the tools to live a life fully obedient to God.

Finances: The vision of this 5 week class on finances is to give people the education and access to the information that will enable them to become God honoring stewards of the financial resources He has entrusted to them. The goal is to see people prayerfully establish specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-defined financial goals, and then see those goals achieved and recorded on an ongoing basis. For more information contact Ward and Maria Nickless at

Chazown: Chazown is a Hebrew word for vision, and it's what God had in mind for you when you were created. Each of us is a masterpiece, placed on earth for a unique purpose that's solely ours to fulfill. In this class you will uncover God's dream for your life - your Chazown (pronounced khaw-ZONE). We will also talk about how to spiritually grow in 5 key areas of your life regarding your relationship with the Lord, your relationship with others, your health, your job and your finances. For more information contact Patrick Detken at

Knowing God: This is an introductory class to the basics of Christian teachings about God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and the Bible. We will discuss world religions and how Christianity is different. The class is practical with an emphasis on the importance of reading the Bible and seeking God in everyday life. For more information contact James Paley at

GO University: How do I live for Jesus GOing into the world globally and locally? If Matthew 28 tells us to go out in the world and make disciples how do we do that and how do we reach people for Jesus and while showing and sharing Gods love in this world. This class will give you practical tools to do just that not just in your community but around the world.  For more information contact Ian Stevenson at
**This class is a prerequisite for anyone who desires to do a missions trip in 2012

FUEL: CARE Edition
These FUEL: Care Classes begin Wednesday, September 14th from 6:30-8pm and are designed with an emphasis on issues concerning emotional health and healing.

Anxiety and Depression Bootcamp IIfor anyone struggling with anxiety or depression as well as their family members. You will be given tools and support to find the healing you need and deserve. Anxiety/Depression Bootcamp II is different material from our previous session, but you need not have attended before. Taught by Mike Marino, PhD.

Anger Support Classfor those struggling with anger issues. In this group an expert in anger support will teach you healthy ways to deal with stressful situations and practical tools for dealing with anger. Taught by licensed counselor Terry LaDow, MS.

Grief Support groupa safe place to find the care and support you need after losing a loved one. You will learn how to process your grief in a healthy way and be cared for during this difficult time. Led by Julie Clark and Jennifer Switzer.

Eating Disorders Support Groupa safe place for those who struggle with eating disorders as well as their friend, family, and loved ones.

For further information on any of these FUEL: Care Edition Classes contact Randy Moraitis at


Small Groups @ The Crossing
In the New Testament there are over 50 'one anothers' on how to live. Things like love one another, forgive one another and serve one another and we believe one of the best ways to experience the 'one anothers' is through small groups. We have 2 kinds of groups at The Crossing:

Connection Groups and Community Groups

What are Connection Groups? Connection groups are on the Crossing campus and a great way to meet new people. The group discusses the weekend messages.There is a teacher who reviews what was talked about from the weekend and then you break up into groups to discuss the message further and apply it into your life.

What kinds of Connection groups are available and when do they start?
  • Connection groups for Women begin on October 17th on Mondays from 6:30-8pm
  • Connection groups for Couples (married and engaged) begin on October 18th on Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm
  • Connection groups for Men begin on October 19th on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm.

What's the cost and how long do the groups last? The cost is $5 for the group and the groups will run until the 2nd week of December. For any questions on Connection groups contact Patrick at

What are Community groups? Community groups meet in homes all over Orange County. They study various book of the bible, discuss the weekend message or a topical book (Examples are topics like marriage, Christian living and parenting)

When do the groups begin and whats the cost? The only cost for the group is the cost of the book the group is studying.
For any questions on community groups contact Nicole Carter at

Spiritual Mentoring

Spiritual Mentoring

You are beginning a spiritual mentoring experience. Thank you for being willing to take this step of personal growth!
How do you get a spiritual mentor?
Fill out the questionare on the website and you will be contacted.

What does it mean to say yes to this journey?

Well, it means you are willing to be accountable in 3 key areas of your life
• You are willing to be in an accountable relationship with a spiritual mentor regarding your life with Christ, your finances, your purity, your relationships and your job.
• You willing to learn new ways to develop an intimate relationship with our Jesus.
• You willing to give away to someone else what will be given to you.

This journey will include:

• One on one meetings that last between 60-90 minutes with your spiritual mentor 1-2x’s a month depending on what is better for you and your mentor.
• Assigned chapters in specific books that will be discussed during your one on ones.
• Time for you to apply some of the key spiritual practice, bible study methods and discipleship tools.

The books we will be using are:

• New Believers Bible (Greg Laurie)
• Chazown by Craig Groeshel
• The Life You’ve Always Wanted by John Ortberg
• Bible Study Methods by Rick Warren
• Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

What can you expect from your spiritual mentor?
Perfection! Just kidding, seriously remember that the person that is walking with you is on their own personal journey. In other words they are not perfect. They will make mistakes and will not have all the answers but....
They will love you. The people in your life are there because they want to be in your life. They will let you know how much you matter to God and how much you matter to them.
They will follow up. Your mentor will ask you about the assignments that were given or experiences you had through your readings.
They will challenge your growth. Your mentor will challenge decisions you make if they are inconsistent with Gods perspective. At times it will simply be them giving you feedback from what they have learned on their journey.
They will pray for you weekly. Your mentor will take down prayer requests after each time together and throughout the week will be designating time to pray for your needs.
They will respond, maybe not immediately but they will respond. If you have an immediate need or urgent prayer request you have permission to call, email or text your mentor. However, they may be unable to respond right away so be patient. They are a volunteer with a family and a ‘real’ job but they will make themselves available as things stir in your heart.

How long will this spiritual journey last?
There are 15 meetings you will be having with your mentor, if you meet once a month then this journey will takes you 15 months. If you meet every 3 weeks you will be done in a year and if you meet every other week you will be done 10 months.

What will I learn during this spiritual journey?
• A solid biblical foundation
• Techniques on studying the Bible
• Tools on spiritual practices
• Clear purpose and Chazown in your life
• Clarity on character strengths and weaknesses
• A spiritual growth plan
• Learn full devotion and obedience with your finances, health, job, relationship with others and your relationship with God.

What will I be able to do with what I learn in this spiritual journey?
• Clearly communicate the Gospel and your personal faith with others
• Teach others on how to study bible
• Teach others on how to practice spiritual disciplines
• Help someone find their Chazown
• Use your gifts in ministry and mission for your life.

You ready?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fall Planning and Praying

I want to give you an idea of what we are planning and praying about for the Fall and 2012. In the fall we are launching 3 kinds of FUEL classes. We will have FUEL: Life Edition, FUEL: Care Edition and FUEL: Spiritual Growth Edition.

FUEL: Life Edition will include classes on finances, parenting, relationships for those dating or married, and classes on being a Goldy woman and being a Godly man.

FUEL: Care Edition will include classes on anxiety/depression, anger management, divorce recovery, and support for those dealing with cancer and grief.

FUEL: Spiritual Growth Edition will include classes on what Christianity is, who is Jesus, how to walk with Jesus and experience intimacy with Him, how do I GO out into the world for Jesus, and how do I live in and through the Holy Spirit.

These classes will be launched in September.

Also we will be having our 2012 Men's and Women's Retreats!

The women's retreat is scheduled for June 8,9 and 10th at the Mira Monte Resort and Spa.
The men's retreat is schedule for March 2012 at Forest Home.

August 20th Spiritual Retreat

We have created a day to prepare you for your mentoring season.

Here are just a few details:
Time: August 20th, Saturday from 9am-3pm

Location: O’neil Park . It takes about 30-35 minutes from Costa Mesa to get to O'neil Park.

Cost: $5. You will pay $5 to get in the park. When you get to the gate tell them you are from the Crossing and they will direct you to the conference room.

What about food? Bring drinks, snacks and your lunch. In order to keep the cost down we will NOT be providing food so make sure you bring something from home.

Bring: Your lunch and drinks for the day, lawn chair, Bible, journal, chazown book, print out what you did online and pen. Check the weather to see if you need to bring a jacket, you will be spending time outside in the beauty of nature.

***Also, please, please, please carpool!! We have over 70 people attending and parking will be tight unless people carpool. Ride up with friends, people you are mentoring or just meet here on campus at 8:15am and drive up together with some new friends. (Let me know if you decide to do this), but please carpool.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Personal Testimonies

a) Where was your life before meeting Jesus?

b) When and why did you come to ask Jesus into your life?

c) How has your life been transformed since encountering Jesus?

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Re-Fuel: “Take Courage!”

Mark 6:46-52 (NIV, 1984)

46 After leaving them, [Jesus] went up on a mountainside to pray.
47 When evening came, the boat was in the middle of the lake, and he was alone on land. 48 He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them, 49 but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, 50 because they all saw him and were terrified.

Immediately he spoke to them and said, “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” 51 Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed, 52 for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Grief Support Group

Grief Support Groupfor those who have lost a love one. This is a safe place to learn how to process grief in a healthy manner. Cost: free. Office conference room 2.

Cancer Support Group

Cancer Support Group—for anyone who has cancer, is a survivor, or family member. Experience help, hope, and healing. Cost: free. Office conference room 1.

Anger Management Class

Anger Management Support Grouplearn how to deal with and express anger in healthy ways. Lead by licensed counselor and leading anger management expert Terry LaDow, MS. Cost $10 fee includes all 6 weeks. Room 201.

Divorce Recovery Class

Divorce Recovery Workshop--for anyone going through the pain of divorce or seperation. This 6 week program will bring you healing that you need. The class is taught by Christine Brown, MA, MFT. Starts Wednesday April 27 from 6:30-8pm room 205 of the Kidzone building. Cost is $10 for 6 weeks.

Anxiety and Depression Class

Anxiety/Depression Bootcamp--if you ever struggle with anxiety or depression, then this class is a must for you! This is a 6 week program to bring you help, hope, and healing from anxiety and depression. The class is taught by Mike Marino, PhD. Starts Wednesday April 27 from 6:30-8pm room 104 of the Kidzone building. Cost is $10 for 6 weeks.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Peters Denial and Judas' Betrayal!

Have you ever had someone wrong you, maybe it was something that was pretty painful, something that to this very day still hurts you? Now imagine that you knew 3 years prior to them actually hurting you how it would all turn out. That one day they would lie, cheat, steal, that they would betray you and that you would be spending everyday with that person for the next 3 years. During those 3 years you would listen to them tell you how much they loved you, how much they respected you, how much they would do just about anything for you. As a matter of fact they would be the first person to tell you no matter what happens in life…..there is one thing you could always count on, and it was them.

How difficult would it be to hear those words when you knew how it would all end? The life and death of Jesus is remarkable for so many reasons. But what strikes me more these days is how much Jesus knew about his death. Jesus knew 2 things for sure, that he would die on a cross and that the people that were closest to him would walk away he needed them most.

Mark 14:29 Peter declared, "Even if all fall away, I will not." 30 "I tell you the truth," Jesus answered, "today—yes, tonight—before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times." 31 But Peter insisted emphatically, "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you."

Matthew 26:14 14 Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests 15 and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver. 16 From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.”

Jesus knew, but what strikes me is what happens the day before both Judas betrays and Peter denies.

John 13… 3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; 4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist. 5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.

I mean think about it. He got on his knees, took the foot of the man who told Jesus you are my very best friend, I would take a bullet for you and when Jesus needed him most told everyone, I don’t who he is…
He would clean the feet of the man who would be willing to sell out his friend to death for 30 silver coins maybe $3,000 in our day.

Jesus knew and still went to the cross, he knew and still washed their feet, he knew and still called them friends. And he knows you. He knows what you’ve done, he knows how many times you walked away, how many times you sold out, how many times you betrayed His trust for a few silver coins. He knows.

But our problem is we spend a lifetime running away, pretending as if he doesn’t, as if it doesn’t matter. We don’t trust and each and every day we don’t trust it’s no different than Peters denial or Judas' betrayal. We watch him get on His knees and wash our feet only to get up and kick Him back with the same feet He just washed.

Good Friday is a moment for us to come clean, there is no new beginning, no new life without a willingness to admit our faults. Without a willingness to put to death our pride, our arrogance, our selfishness, and the most challenging part, a willingness to FORGIVE! This may seem impossible but there is no new beginning unless we are willing to forgive. Jesus watched you deny Him and Betray Him and still forgave you. And we can only forgive because we were first forgiven.

Close your eyes, think about one thing that you have done where you have walked away from God, now picture God forgiving you for that. Now picture the person who has betrayed you, and say “God because of how you have forgiven me, I now forgive…” Without forgiveness there is no new beginning!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Bible Study on Spiritual Disciplines

This Thursday FUEL Bible Study class begins April 28th for 6 weeks from 6:30-8:30pm at The Crossing

  • Cost: $10
  • Sign up:
  • Theme: We will discuss God's perspective on spiritual practices. Spiritual practices were introduced to us through the scriptures in order to draw us into an intimate place with the Lord. Learn how to pray and fast, meditate on God's Word, Study the scriptures, confess and create moments of solitude.
  • For more information email
  • Week 1 - What are spiritual practices and prayer?
  • Week 2 - Spiritual practice of solitude
  • Week 3- Guest Speaker
  • Week 4 - Spiritual practice of meditation and fasting
  • Week 5- Spiritual practice of study
  • Week 6- Spiritual practice of confession
Patrick Detken has been a pastor at the Crossing for 12 years. Has been married to his bride for 12 years and has 2 kids, Jackson (8) and Mia (6). He was in social work for 6 years before God called him to ministry 12 years ago. He has a Masters in Biblical Studies and Social Work and his passion is creating spiritual environments that foster spiritual growth in peoples lives.
Jamie Huff has a PhD.d in anthropology and is a professor at Vanguard University. He has been married to his true love Rebeca for 13 years and have 2 sweet girls. He loves to cook, read and spend time with his family. He also loves teaching people about the spiritual practices and experiencing intimacy with their Lord.

Monday, April 18, 2011

New Study on Techniques on How to Study the Scriptures (Survey James)

This Tuesday FUEL Bible Study class begins April 26th for 6 weeks from 6:30-8:30pm at The Crossing
  • Cost: $10
  • Sign up:
  • Theme: Explore God's word with purpose, no more scripture roulette. FUEL Bible study will survey the book of James. This class will be a great opportunity to bring a friend, and mentee, or a small group together and dig deeper into the book of James by using study methods that will bring you to a a new place in your love for God's word.
  • For more information email
  • Study for men and women
Week 1 - Joy? Really?
Week 2 - Royal Flush
Week 3 - Guest Speaker
Week 4 - Live Well, Live Wisely
Week 5 - Grace to the Humble
Week 6 - Just Add Water

Randy Clark, husband, father, and core member at The Crossing for over 10 years will be teaching FUEL Bible Study. For the past two years he has been teaching with Pastor Randy Moraitis. The students were getting confused on which one was smarter and which one was good looking. Guess which one they let go? (hahahahahaha)

New Bible Study for Women

This Thursday FUEL Bible Study class begins April 28th for 6 weeks from 6:30-8:30pm at The Crossing
  • Cost: $10
  • Sign up:
  • Theme: Bible study for women on Jesus' parables on the topic "The Kingdom of Heaven is like..." We will take a closer look at how Jesus explained life through his parables. As women we will learn to believe as Jesus believed so we can do what Jesus did. For more information contact
Jesus taught about one thing more than any other: The Kingdom of Heaven. What is the Kingdom of Heaven and why does it matter to us in our day-to-day lives? Without realizing it, many of us have faith in Jesus as our savior for after we die but we do not know how to live here and now with him as our teacher, friend and King. We live by culture's definition of "the good life" instead of Jesus' definition of real life. There is more to Reality than we have been told; This is Jesus' Good News. If you're thirsty for a bible study on Jesus' teachings and how to apply them to everyday life, join us!


Week 1 & 2 - That's Good News!

Jesus taught about one thing more than any other: The Kingdom of Heaven

 What is it, where is it and why is it Good News for us here and now? These two weeks we will explore and discuss this new way of living.“Think again about your strategy for life in view of your opportunity to live in the Kingdom of the Heavens now and forever.” (Matthew 4:17)

Week 3 - Blessed life!

Jesus' sermon on the mount was a declaration on how life in the Kingdom of God really works. Jesus gets to the heart of our spirits in this teaching. This week we will become Jesus' apprentices for living in and from the Kingdom." Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (Matthew 11:28-30)

Weeks 5 & 6 - Act like it!

 If we are "ravished with the Kingdom of God"… If we believe that God is real and we actually live in a world where His grace, power and love are always available, how should we respond? How do we live day-by-day now that we see the world as Jesus sees it? So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that's where the action is. See things from his perspective. (Col 3: 1-2)

Teacher: Nicole Romero 

I've been attending The Crossing since 1996 and I have been on staff since 2005. After graduating from USC with a degree in Film, TV and Media Studies I worked in the exciting and torturous world of Hollywood for five years before slowly transitioning to the passion of my life - using art and words to draw people closer to our loving God. Now I spend my time divided between ministry in the Creative Arts at The Crossing, reading way too many Bible study and theology books, and still learning to be a productive, healthy adult.

I'm obsessed with God, beauty, art and travel... Deeply in love with Jesus... Passionate about marriage... Constantly curious... Open to discussing anything... Always up for a laugh. I’m married to my absolute soul mate and we work super hard at it. I am a mom to two little girls who suck me dry only to fill me up again with something sweeter. I believe in a Kingdom of Heaven that’s closer than my breath. I am a disciple of a Jesus and everything I do comes from Him and for Him.

My goal here is to open up my own mind and anyone who wants to come with me to a world where Jesus is surprising, fun, powerful and near... And to make every moment count for my own sake and for others.

New Bible Study for Men

This Thursday FUEL Bible Study class begins April 28th for 6 weeks from 6:30-8:30pm at The Crossing

Each Week's breakdown:
1. Difference and similarities between a Warrior and Christ's Warrior.
2. What is the War, battles and the enemy that Christ's Warrior fights.
3. -Guest Speaker-
4. Weapons of Christ's Warrior and practically applying those weapons. Part A
5. Weapons of Christ's Warrior and practically applying those weapons. Part B
6. Establishing your specific mission today as Christ's Warrior?

Aaron Guyett has been a Unites States Marine since 1999, fighting in combat he know what it means to be a warrior. He has more recently accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his high command, and seeks daily what His Kingdom Agenda is for his life. He is very passionate about working with warriors and even more passionate about working with Christ's Warriors to fight against Satan and his demons, establishing Christ's victory over the lost, oppressed, and uncertain men of this day. He believes the Lord created each man to stand his ground and fight for the eternal salvation of others through a personal relationship in Jesus Christ. He will be marrying Keri Newton in September, and is looking to have at least 12 children (just kidding...but seriously).

New Bible Study on 1st and 2nd Kings

This Tuesday Fuel Bible study class begins April 26th for 6 weeks from 6:30-8:30pm at The Crossing
  • Cost: $10
  • Sign up:
  • Bible Study on 1 and 2 Kings for anyone taught by Brett Detken
  • Theme: What Rules you: A study through 1st and 2nd Kings. Following God means giving Him everything you got! If you are serious about stepping up your walk with God, come and learn with us, as we study the lives of people who did,(and didn’t) trust God, and discover how that decision impacted the rest of their lives
  • For more information email

Over the 6 weeks we will be looking at people and discover how they chose to follow God or let something else like Lust, Greed, Envy, Jealousy, and Fear Rule their lives and decisions. Each week we will look at a different person and learn from their life’s story how to follow God completely!

Brett is a has been married to Patrick (Pastor of Grow ministries) for 12 years and is a mom to 2 great kids: Jackson (8) and Mia (6). Brett graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a degree in Marketing and has served, as a part of the Crossing staff for 10 years in the creative arts department. Brett is passionate about communicating the truth of God’s word to men and women, so that they understand it, and desire to follow God wholeheartedly.

Sean Kappauf graduated from Vanguard University in 2008 with a Bachelor in Religion with a Theology/Pastoral Care emphasis. He's been attending the Crossing for 4 years and will be married come this may to his beautiful fiance Kelsey. His passion stems through what he loves and he love Jesus. He loves to be with Him, talk to him, read about him, study him through what others have written in the past. He loves everything about Jesus Christ. He also enjoy reading, writing, studying, teaching, surfing, coffee, scrabble, and helping others in whatever way he can be of service. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My son asked me to pray for him and...(Truth#4)

I was again reminded of Gods grace. You see, I didn't grow up as a Christian. Christ got a hold of my life when I was 18. I grew up as a Catholic, enjoyed attending but it was more a religion than a genuine relationship. When I began searching what I really believed I came face to face with Jesus and this year marks 20 years walking with Him. When my kids were born I knew I was on a new adventure. I had never witnessed what it means to raise a child up with Christ. And as a parent of an 8yr old and 6 yr old, I have witnessed many miracles in our kids lives, recently the biggest where my 8 year old son asked Jesus into His life and was baptized. So every time he does something where I see God in him, it blows my mind. Last night his stomach was hurting him so we got him in bed, tucked him in and kissed him on the forehead. As I was leaving his room he said, 'daddy, can you pray for me?'. God is alive in him and it reminds me of His amazing grace. This is what I know for sure...

# 4 Truth
No matter what your past, God has a future for you with Him that will blow your mind....if you give Him a chance.

Do you believe it?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sonora Making Great Memories for Dads and Families

The Vision for the Sonora Dads Club is to create positive memories for dads and their kids. If you are interested in being a part of the Dads Club, helping with any of these events or plan to attend you can email me at

This 2010-2011 Season has been incredible! This is our 2nd official year as a dads club and its been very exciting. This past year we have
  • Had a Dads and Kids Overnight Camp out with over 100 kids and adults camping on the Sonora field, eating dogs and watching a movie under the stars.
  • Took our kids on an the Autumn Years Senior Center where we sang songs to them celebrating our veterans and taking some homemade cookies to our new friends.
  • Did a Home Make Over Act of Kindness for a teacher that was recently laid off and taking care of her disabled son. There were over 100 people cleaning her home, painting and landscaping.
  • Enjoyed 3 Family Movie Night, enjoying popcorn and our Sonora family. Over 100 families participated in one of these movies.
  • Started a dads are rad fundraiser, where the winner won 5 hours of dads coming over their house and basically doing whatever they needed done. The ultimate Honey Do List Completed! The winner was Michelle Yeun and we raised close to over $1,000 that will be donated to a new electric marquee.
  • Experienced a Sonora Clean Up Day with over 100 volunteers from Sonora and the Crossing working on over 20 projects to make Sonora beautiful, including painting, planting and even new walk way. 
 Its been a great year and we look forward to our final events for dads and families in May and June.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Crazy Love Group Questions Session #6

“Love is happy with the truth.” 1 Corinthians 13:6

“Let our lives lovingly express the truth in all things - speaking truly, dealing truly, living truly.” Ephesians 4:15 (Amplified Bible)

Look Back (Looking Back over this past week)
  • What have you enjoyed about these 5 weeks being in this group?
  • 2 Truths and a Lie Game: This is how the game works, think about unique things that make you, you. Hobbies, experiences, talents...whatever! Have 2 be truths and one be a lie. Share them out loud. Have every person guess out of the 3 which is the lie. Whoever gets the lie right gets the point. Have everyone share, the person with the most point wins. What do they win? The love of Jesus 
Look Up (Looking Up at God’s perspective)
  • Tim shared that it’s important to share the truth consistently, why do you think it’s hard for people to share the truth consistently?

 “Reliable communication permits progress.” Proverbs 13:17

Look In (Looking Into our my life)
  • Is it easy or hard for you to tell the truth completely? Why or why not?
 “Someone who holds back the truth causes trouble.” Proverbs 10:10 (GN)

 “In the end people appreciate frankness more than flattery.” Proverbs 28:23 (LB)
  • The bible tells us to tell the truth lovingly and tactfully, is this easy or hard for you? Why?

 “Speak the truth in a spirit of love.” Ephesians 4:15

 “When you talk, do not say harmful things. But say what people need - words that will help others become stronger.

 Then what you way will help those who listen to you.” Ephesians 4:29

 - Definition: Tact is making a point without making an enemy

 - Point: Attack the problem rather than attacking the person

 “Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal.” Proverbs 12:18

Look Out (Looking Out and taking a Next Step from what you learned)

Tim discussed ways on how to be tactful:

1. Plan your presentation

 “Intelligent people think before they speak.” Proverbs 16:23

2. Choose the right time

 “There is a right time and a right way to do everything.” Ecclesiastes 8:6

Truth + Tact + Timing = Good Relationships
  • What can you do to be more tactful in how you share truth with someone?
You have now been together for 6 weeks, next week is the last group. Our hope is that every group will want to continue as a small group. Discuss whether or not people are interested in continuing on this journey together. The question is…
  • If the group continued would you be interested?
  • If the group continued who would be willing to host or lead?
  • Close in prayer

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Sometimes I can't sleep (Truth #3 )

I'll be honest with you, sometimes I can't sleep. I wake up in the middle of the night, sometimes carrying the burden of the people I counsel and mentor. I hear there stories of pain, the heartache from relationships and the brokenness in their soul. I hear them weep and often times in the middle of the night, I weep for them. It breaks my heart and to be honest with you I think it should. Because I believe it breaks God's heart. I believe God wants our heart to break for lost people. I believe it matters to God and all too often it doesn't matter to us. I guess I am burdened that our hearts don't risk, don't invest and don't care enough to ask the person next to us, 'how are you doing?' Tonight I will watch the news and close with either a Seinfeld re-run or ESPN. But I never want my heart to soften towards those that are hurting.

Because this is what I know to be true...

Truth #3
Our hearts need to break for the things that break our Fathers heart.

Does yours?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My mom is getting older (Truth #2)

Recently I made a decision to get into the game more intentionally with my parents health. My mom turned 77 years old and has had some issues with her health and my dad has had some weight issues. I now walk with my dad every Monday morning and go with my parents to their health check ups. Part of the reason was because I sensed God tugging at my heart saying 'get in the game'. I sense God's tugs more now a days. I don't hear his voice audibly but I know when He is speaking to my heart. Which leads to truth #2 about God that I believe more and more....

#2 God is always speaking, we just tend to be too busy to hear Him.

I am leaning into His voice more now, how about you?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Care Nights Begin April 27th

April is a very exciting month at The Crossing and we have some wonderful new Care and Recovery programs that may be of interest to you or someone you care about.

CARE NIGHT--Starts Wednesday April 27
Sign up online at

Anxiety/Depression Bootcamp--if you ever struggle with anxiety or depression, then this class is a must for you! This is a 6 week program to bring you help, hope, and healing from anxiety and depression. The class is taught by Mike Marino, PhD. Starts Wednesday April 27 from 6:30-8pm room 104 of the Kidzone building. Cost is $10 for 6 weeks.

Divorce Recovery Workshop--for anyone going through the pain of divorce or seperation. This 6 week program will bring you healing that you need. The class is taught by Christine Brown, MA, MFT. Starts Wednesday April 27 from 6:30-8pm room 205 of the Kidzone building. Cost is $10 for 6 weeks.

Anger Management Support Group—learn how to deal with and express anger in healthy ways. Lead by licensed counselor and leading anger management expert Terry LaDow, MS. Cost $10 fee includes all 6 weeks. Room 201.

Cancer Support Group—for anyone who has cancer, is a survivor, or family member. Experience help, hope, and healing. Cost: free. Office conference room 1.

Grief Support Group—for those who have lost a love one. This is a safe place to learn how to process grief in a healthy manner. Cost: free. Office conference room 2.

We also offer....
• Christian Counseling Program
• Lifelines Recovery Program (Friday 7-9pm)
• Men's and Women's 12 Step Groups (Friday 8-9pm)
• Men's Integrity Group (Friday 8-9pm)
• Women's Alanon Group (Friday 8-9pm)
• Counselor and Therapist referrals
• Christian Counseling Training Program
• Benevolence Program
• Prayer Ministry

For information on any of the above email Randy at  or  949-764-1558.

Singles Camp Out Retreat (May 21-22)

I ‘stumbled upon’ a passage in Genesis 5:24….its simple, just 4 words but it had an impact. Its reads ‘Enoch walked with God’. I believe most people want to walk with God but don’t know how or if they do they don’t keeping walking with Him.

I want to invite you to a special weekend retreat for Singles on May 21-22.

This is a different kind of retreat! It will be local at O’neil Regional Park
Trabuco and Live Oak Canyons is 30 minutes from Costa Mesa. This retreat is limited to 80 people. We will be tent camping and the cost will be $50. Simply put, I want men and women to Encounter God and learn to Walk with Him in Obedience and Passion. There is NO greater journey! We start off strong but slowly find ourselves distracted and discouraged.

If you can't attend the entire weekend come on Saturday from 8am-6pm for $30. Cost includes the site and all meals. There will be time for you to connect with new friends, connect with God and enjoy the outdoors in a beautiful setting.

O'Neill Regional Park is situated in beautiful Trabuco and Live Oak Canyons. The park is heavily wooded with coast live oak and sycamore trees. The hillsides surrounding the park are filled with cactus, wild buckwheat, sagebrush and chaparral of scrub oak, buckthorn and mountain mahogany. Trabuco and Hicky Creeks also meander through the park, flowing in winter and early spring, dry in summer and fall.

Sign ups begin the weekend of April 9th at If you want to save your spot let me know at