Thursday, October 11, 2012

Your Community Group in 5 Words!

We want you to film your group, at a upcoming group gathering, writing out your groups experience in 5 words.  We want to know what you love about your group, or what you have learned through your group by creatively WRITING out for the camera 5 words that describe your group experience, film it, and then email that video to There are many ways this can be done....Each member can each hold a sign with one word on it, or they can get a piece of cardboard  and write all 5 words on it, as they are holding it in front of them, it’s up to you to be as creative as you want to be! You can be outside, inside, at the can shoot it anywhere as long as it includes your group, somehow displaying your groups 5 words!

Here are some things to think about before you film:

  • Make sure whereever you are filming  has enough light in the room so that the words can be seen on camera.
  • Make sure your whole group is in the film.
  • Make sure the words are written BIG ENOUGH and LEGIBLY ENOUGH to be read on camera. (Always make them bigger than you think they need to be)
  • We will only be showing the images of the groups, not any audio.  Meaning, if you talk on camera, the audience won’t hear anything you make sure you “talk” through your 5  words.
  • We need your video by OCTOBER 23rd, to be used in the weekend video.

For an example of what we are doing, they can click on this link:

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Prayer Moments

These were some of the responses to those Community Group Leaders that prayed over people this past weekend

 The reason praying for people this weekend was meaningful to me was because……… is also out my comfort zone to ask someone that I don't know, if they would like me to pray for them.  I was a little nervous when asked to do this on Sunday, but after giving this to God, and asking the Holy Spirit to guide me, I found much joy in praying for the women that came to me.  I am one of those people who can't always find the eloquent words that some people have when praying,  but God showed me today that all you need have is a caring heart and will to do what God asks of us.  – Karen

Yes, it was a touching time for me too.  Just standing there up front, seeing so many people come up.... it was impactful, moving.I have to tell you a funny story that happened later that evening.Pam and her mom, me and my aunt went out to a Mexican place in Tustin.  When we were done and headed out the door, I turned to say good-bye and this man who I never saw before was coming out at the same time, and he said (out of the blue) you can pray for me.  He smiled and walked off.  My mouth dropped, and I asked my aunt if I heard him right?  Yes, I had, and I just couldn't get over it. As we got in our car,  he drove slowly by, and I asked if he could wait a minute.  He was the passanger, and a woman was driving.  I got out of my car and I said, I'm sorry I looked so surprised, but we had just come from church and it was all about prayer and then you came up out of the blue and said that to me. ... His wife told me he always asks people to pray for him (and he had seen me praying in the restaurant.) with that, I told him I would pray for him as they drove off. I stood amazed.  God creates such fun intimacy at times! The reason praying for people this weekend was meaningful to me was because……….. I could almost see the hidden pain as people came forward.  I got choked up, and thanked each person for taking a risk to come forward (it felt brave for so many)  It was also meaningful because praying for someone, makes me feel very connected to them in the spirit. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. – Mindy

I'm blessed to be a blessing. Prayer is what heals me and I want to extend that healing to others.  – Marina

There are so many things that we neglect as a Church! It is so easy for us to show up on any given Sunday and listen to a sermon. So seldom do we as a Church have the opportunity to unite as we did today! We cried together, we celebrated in our weakness, but most of all we stood together as one in Prayer. As we start this next season, "No One Stands Alone" I noticed today that we as one body, we will not let anyone be left behind. – Roger

The person that came to me asked for a physical needs prayer. I looked into their eyes that had dark circles around them and saw a glimpse of a seriously real issue a person needed prayer for.  This person has a continued place in my heart and I continue to pray for them. This was meaningful to me because I cannot overlook the need to pray for others. This is a serious deal.  – Matt

The reason praying for people this weekend was meaningful to me was because it gave me the opportunity to get out of my self seeking ways and be of service to another human being who really needs the pray in their time of need. It was a humble act where God could use me. It was such an intense feeling to be praying for a couple who is going through a relational struggle while holding their hands feeling them tremble. I felt very inspired afterwards. Thank you for the opportunity to grow.  – Jeff was a chance to let the people of our church know that we stand with them in any circumstance they may be facing. –Miles

We had to pull in people from Guest Services to help pray upstairs. Three women came up to me right after Tim's "alter call." It was one of the most powerful Crossing experiences I have ever been a part of ...Thank you both for your leadership, vision, and hearts! – Nicole

The first and only guy that approached me for prayer was a single dad there with his son. He told me he had just gone through a divorce as he was crying. I could also see that his son was struggling with some kind of pain. I stood there thinking "you have to be kidding me."  Hearing this Dad's story obviously struck a chord personally with me.  As he was sharing and crying, I began to cry and put my hand on his shoulder and prayed for him and his son. We both stood there, praying through our tears. Thank you for inviting me to pray and thank God for using my pain to relate and pray for other hurting fathers dealing with divorce. – Ethen

.....because it made me feel connected to someone I didn't know seconds before, and after praying and crying with them, I felt like we were both part of the body of Christ and the Church. – Beth

 I don’t want people to feel alone or broken. Where there  are two or more gathered in his name there is God with them, God,  can heal any hurt or brokenness if we ask him for it through prayers. This was not about me it was about God, and letting those people know he is with in every step of their  life. – Pam

The reason praying for people this weekend was meaningful to me was because Hearing the stories of the people I prayed for reminded me of my own brokeness and how God has helped to heal me and continues to give me peace through my own struggles. – Robin

It was so awesome praying for people this weekend.  I was a little nervous thinking I wouldn't know what to pray or it wouldn't be eloquent enough.  The cool thing is the Holy Spirit spoke through me and it was such an awesome experience.  I was on fire when I prayed for the women and it was all God.  I pray that the women I prayed for left the church with their burdens lifted and the peace of God within them.  To see the number of people come forward was amazing.  We all carry our burdens but God says to release them to Him and that is what I felt we helped these people do yesterday.  I learned last Friday that my dad was diagnosed with leukemia so I know how important prayer is.  He isn't a believer so I carry that burden but God says I am not to be anxious about anything and to trust in Him.  What an awesome God we serve!!!! – Kim

Well, I broke the rule of men with men and women with women. A sweet old lady asked me to pray for her daughter with severe migraine headaches. Not going to pass that one up even if I have to deal with you and Tim out back. This lady had Parkinson’s disease setting in and she never asked to be prayed for. Her only concern was for her daughter. Kindly pray for her. It was an honor to hold her shaking hands. – Chris

......only God has the power for real comfort, real forgiveness, real wisdom and it's awesome to see the smiles through the tears when someone looks up that you've just  prayed for.  I saw those same tears and smiles as my brother said yes to Jesus later that day, we serve a powerful and wonderful God and 7 years of my prayers were answered too.  Vicki
I prayed with a young lady named Heather and Saturday night was her FIRST time at The Crossing!!! Wow, how cool is that and she ended up praying for me at the end... What a complete Blessing it was for BOTH of us!!! We then directed her to the kiosk to sign up for a group! God is SO GOOD!!!!! – Monique

The reason praying for people this weekend was meaningful to me was because everyone has a civil war going on inside of them.  And when someone actually takes the time to pure the Holy Spirit into them when times are tough, it feels as though both our souls have been washed clean with tears of joy. – Lisa

….I could impact a family, through the power of The Holy Spirit.  I could feel the need of hope and serenity that only He can provide.  I could reach out to people that are in dire need of His healing hands, and apply the gifts that He has given me. – Kevil

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Grow

Connections for Women: Becoming a Vessel God can use
June 25 and July 2
No charge
If you need childcare, contact ASAP

Spiritual Leadership Boot Camp or SLBC. During these 4 weeks of training you will learn…
-          How to study the scriptures
-          New spiritual practices
-          The fundamentals of the faith
-          Spiritual leadership techniques
-          Facilitating a spiritual discussion and group discussion
-          Knowing how to lead someone to Christ
-          Establish a spiritual growth plan for yourself.
-          How to mentor others

What’s the next step?
The Spiritual Leadership Boot Camp (SLBC) begins the last week of August for 4 weeks. You have the option of coming on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. (All the days are the same). If you miss your day because of travel or vacation you can attend one of the other days.

The date of SLBC begins: (3 options during the week)
-          Tuesday, August 28th (6;30-8:30pm) for 4 weeks and ends September 18th
-          Wednesday, August 29th (6:30-8:30pm) for 4 weeks and ends September 19th
-          Thursday, August 30th (6:30-8:30pm) for 4 weeks and ends September 20th

Spiritual Retreat  in July
·         The Spiritual Retreat for Men is on July 14th 9-1pm. Location TBD but it will be a time to connect with the Lord, practice spiritual disciplines and refocus for the fall season.
·         The Spiritual Retreat for Women is on July 28th 9-1pm. Location TBD but it will be a time to connect with the Lord, practice spiritual disciplines and refocus for the fall season.
20's Group
As someone who started attending the church 18 years ago as a 21 year old I know what’s it’s like to want to build a good foundation. When I started attending I was still in college finishing my social work degree. Over the past 18 years much has happened. 14 years ago I met my wife at the church and we now have 2 kids (9  year old son and 7 year old daughter). The Lord redirected my career path to enter into ministry 13 years ago. I went back to school and have been in full time ministry ever since. So as you can tell much has happened in 18 years but as I turn 40 in December I am more determined to pour into the next generation.
We will meet at Starbucks on Harbor and Wilson. Not sure yet what we will study but we will let the Holy Spirit lead our discussions. We will meet for 7 weeks, every Tuesday from 8:30-10pm. Not sure the location, we will start at Starbucks, maybe head to the church or my home or maybe one of your places.
The group is intended to challenge your walk, strengthen friendships and call you higher. If you were a part of M-6:8 then you know what it’s like to be pushed, this will have a similar feel but smaller and with people your age, dealing with similar issues your dealing with.
 The resolutions we will pursue in this group include…
·         Be willing to be held accountable for your life by discussing your life authentically and
           Be willing to study and learn the Bible.
·         Be willing to memorize scripture.
·         Be willing to be accountable to purity
·         Be willing to give the full tithe.
·         Be willing to learn to share your faith locally and globally and then share it locally and
·         Be willing to share your testimony in front of the church.
·         Be willing to lead and mentor other men.
·         Be willing to be accountable for your finances.
·         Be willing if you are dating someone meet with me and discuss your relationship and 
            choose to court her.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I'm excited to start a new 10 week study for any man (single or married) on spiritual leadership.

Micah 6:8 -  (NIV) 8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Starting April 26th from 8-9pm I am taking men who are interested through a 10 week spiritual journey of resolution, accountability and humility. We will learn to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God. Through the 10 week experience the men will need to be willing to the below items:

The Resolution (M-6:8 or Micah 6:8)

·         Be willing to be held accountable for your life by discussing your life authentically and transparently.

·         Be willing to study and learn the Bible.

·         Be willing to memorize scripture.

·         Be willing to be accountable to purity

·         Be willing to take an account for your marriage by allowing me to meet with you and your spouse.

·         Be willing to give the full tithe.

·         Be willing to learn to share your faith locally and globally and then share it locally and globally.

·         Be willing to share your testimony in front of the church.

·         Be willing to lead and mentor other men.

·         Be willing to be accountable for your finances.

·         Be willing to learn to lead your family, your spouse and your kids and then lead them.

·         Be willing to teach others what you have learned.

If you are interested in being a part of this group email me at
What: A 10 Week Spiritual Leadership Group
When: April 26th 8-9pm (Right After The Story)

Why: Develop Spiritual Leaders for Christ
Ends: June 28th

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


A good friend of mine reminded me of the lyric in the song from the Courageous movie that says "The only way that we can STAND is on our knees with lifted hands" . That’s it! We are enlisting a new army of men for Jesus. A Platoon of Believers. 100+ men sincerely devoted, fully transparent and completely empowered by His Spirit. And I want you to be a part of that army and to be enlisted into this platoon.

·         When: 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month
·         Time: 6:30am-7:30am
·         Where: In the Hut
·         Why: Asking the Lord to Lead us in every area of our life.
·         Who: Any man who wants to lock arms and follow Jesus

The Story

Have you ever felt intimidated reading the bible? Not sure how it all fits together? From start to finish the Bible is written as a story to be told to all of humanity. All the pieces fit together but so many times we don't know how. For the first time ever we are starting a 10 week bible study for anyone who has ever wanted to understand the entire bible.  God has gone to great lengths to rescue his  lost and hurting people. That is what the Story of the Bible is all about, God's great love affair with humanity.
 During these 10 weeks we will be reading a book called 'The Story' which is the bible written as a story. From the time of Adam and Eve to Abraham and the nation of Israel to Paul's missionary journey to the time when John is exiled on Patmos and Revelation is written and everything in between. Each week another part of history will be shared by either Dr. Bill Dogterom, Dr. Bill Gaultiere and pastors Sean Kappauf and Patrick Detken.

        Date: Begins -April 26th and continues for 10 consecutive Thursday's through June 28th

        Time: 6:30 - 8:00 pm

        Where: The Crossing Campus in the Loft

        Cost: $20 includes the book  The Story or $10 without the book

        Childcare is not provided

·         This study is for anyone (from non-believer to seasoned believer)

·         Register for The Story

We hope this experience gives you the confidence to share with the world how His story intersects with YOUR story and has created a NEW story.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Information for Mens Retreat - March 16-18

We are getting more and more excited as the 2012 Men’s Retreat – MPOWRD – grows closer. It’s right around the corner! The theme is MPOWRD where we will learn what it means to be fully EMPOWERED - ‘MPOWRD’ through God’s power and not our own and how we can be fully dependent on God every day no matter what’s going on in our life! We are so excited that 150 men will be experiencing the mountains at the Forest Home Retreat Center with many recreation options: walks, hikes, rock climbing, game room, zip line, miniature golf, and much more (weather permitting)!!

Times: Registration begins Friday at 5pm at HORMEL HALL. Dinner is Friday at 7pm. Program starts at 8pm in Hormel Hall. Retreat ends on Sunday at 11am.
Place: Forest Home, 40000 Valley of the Falls, Forest Falls, CA 92339,

When you get there, you will find someone at the welcome station until 10pm directing you to Hormel Hall. If you arrive at Hormel Hall between 5:00-10pm there will be someone there to help you. If you plan on getting there later please let us know so we know how to direct you and get you the key to your cabin. Every cabin is about 3 minutes walking distance from our main meeting place.
What you get: Friday – Sunday Experience, lodging, 5 meals, incredible worship, small group time, great teaching, and recreation free time, plus time to engage with other men from The Crossing.

What to bring: Dress warm. It will be cold low 20’s and high 50’s. As of now it could rain or even snow on Sunday (not much) so dress accordingly. Bring your bible, pen, flashlight, toiletries, warm shoes or tennis shoes that can work with mountain terrain, warm jacket and/or coat, alarm clock, some ear plugs just in case, a pillow, sleeping bag or bed linens, a towel, umbrella and some playing cards (optional) Again, make sure to bring your bedding or a sleeping bag/pillow, if you forget they will rent you out some bedding for $20.

Snacks are ONLY allowed in the cabins, if they are stored in an air-tight plastic container. (Even if they are already packaged). Bears can be intrusive, if they smell food, so make sure you prepare accordingly.
Group Leader: You will be receiving an email and call from your group leader who will make sure you have a way to get up to the retreat and answer any questions you may have. If you have not received a phone call from your group leader you can email me at If you need to carpool talk with your group leader. If no one can carpool from your group email Ryan Argue at Ryan Argue He is organizing this piece and will know how to help you. Also, there are a few guys leaving after 5pm who need a ride so if you are leaving after 5pm and have a few space let us know.

Driving? For those of you driving, if you have chains BRING THEM. If you have 4 wheel drive you won’t need chains. However, if you don’t have them you don’t need to go out and buy them. There may be a few spots that are slippery coming down the mountain but you can drive down without chains, you’ll just need to have your car in a low gear. Directions to Forest Home From The Crossing: Click Here Try leaving early on Friday, traffic on the 91 on Friday can be crazy. Check here for directions to Forest Home.
Cabins hold 10 people to a room and most likely you will be rooming with the people in your small group.

Emergency: If your spouse needs to get a hold of you have them call 909.389.2300. There will be little to no cell coverage so if there is an emergency have them call that number and they will get the message to you.

Cash: bring cash to buy a t-shirt ($15) or if you want anything from the snack shop.
Your Room: You can’t check in sooner than 5pm into your room. But registration will be ready by 4:30pm so come to Hormel Hall to pick up your stuff and then head over to your room.

Finally: We have prayed for 150 men and as of now we have 148 so if you know of a few guys who still want to go, let’s make it happen.
Can You Help? Finally, many of you have been very generous helping others out with scholarships. There is still about $1,000 that we are short so if some of you can contribute let me know.

This year, Pastor Brian Anderson from Mission Hills will be teaching on Romans 7 and 8. We are looking forward to seeing each one of you there and experiencing what God has in store for us!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fresh BREWED Awakening

Coffee, Great Message and a time of Worship
February 27th
Special Speaker: Bianca Olthoff will be sharing a message on LOVE. If you missed her last year, here's your chance. She is funny and loves to share God's word. Bring your bible. Band: CSM

March 26th
Special Speaker: Sandie Morgan will be sharing a message on Hopes & Dreams. Sandie is the Director of Vanguard University’s Global Center for Women and Justice and teaches Women’s Studies, Family Violence, and Human Trafficking at Vanguard. She is a powerhouse ladies, come ready to be encouraged and challenged.

2012 Mens Retreat - March 16th - 18th

This year we are headed up to Forest Home up in the mountains

Theme: Philippians 4:13 "I can do ALL things through Him who gives me strength"

Speaker: Pastor Brian Anderson from Mission Hills Church

Cost: $215 in February, $230 in March

Focus: We will be spending time discovering what it means to be empowered by God and His Spirit on a daily basis. We'll discuss what it means to live in and through His strength and not our own!

Title of Weekend: MPOWRD 'Empowered'

Sign up at

Connections Information

We are so excited about this next season as we launch our new Connections season with all new opportunities. Connection is a place for you to connect with God and with others. Its a place to meet new people and learn how to walk out your relationship with the Lord but in community!

Groups begin the week of March 5th from 6:30-8pm for 6 weeks. Sign Up at . Cost for class/group is $10 and childcare is available for $30 for 6 weeks but must sign up.

Family Connections starts on Monday, March 5th
  • Groups for Parents with Infants/Preschoolers
  • Groups for Parents with Elementary
  • Groups for Parents with Teens
  • Groups for Blended Families
  • Groups for Single Parents
  • Groups for Marrieds (Marriage Tune-Up)

Men and Womens Connections starts on Tuesday, March 6th
  • Groups for Men
  • Groups for Women
  • Groups for Younger Marrieds (20-30's)

Care Connections starts on Wednesday, March 7th
  • Groups for Grief Support
  • Groups for Cancer Support
  • Groups for Anger Management Support
  • Groups for Eating Disorders